Tuesday, November 27, 2012

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 11-27-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

Ms. Katie Looks into the Heart of the Elites

Katie Osgood reviews Chris Hayes’ new book “Twilight of the Elites” and ponders how the elites–the so-called best and the brightest–are now running education policy. Their ideas fail and fail but they boldly push ahead, utterly unfixed by the damage they inflict on others. They enjoy money, power, prestige, unlike those poor teachers and children whose lives they mess up with their hapless schemes.

The New Yorker Profile

In its issue of November 19, The New Yorker published a lengthy profile of my efforts to change national education policy: to halt the galloping privatization, the demonization of teachers and the misuse of testing to advance the two previously mentioned topics.
Let me begin by saying that I was immensely grateful that this distinguished and influential magazine gave attention to these important issues. As everyone who follows this blog knows, it is very rare to see a critique of the ruinous bipartisan policies in print or on television.
I was also thrilled that David Denby wrote the article. He is not a player in the debates and was able to approach 

Jersey Jazzman on Nick Kristof

Are you confused when you read Nick Kristof?
You are not alone.
Jersey Jazzman is puzzled too.
Kristof makes sense when he writes about almost anything about education..
But when he talks about American education, he becomes incoherent.
For example, he is ga-ga about charters yet seems to know nothing about them.
He must have gone on a tour of the Potemkin Village Academy.

More Evidence That VAM Is Junk Science

New York is very proud of its new Educator Effectiveness Evaluation model, which claims to measure which teachers and principals are effective, relying in part on the increase (or not) of test scores of students.
Bruce Baker of Rutgers demonstrates that the model is biased and inaccurate. It favors classes and schools that start off with higher-performing students.
He concludes with a brief sermon about the importance of ethics:
“I have pointed out that the originators of the SGP approach have stated in numerous technical documents and 

Right-Wing School Reform Conference

In case you have time on November 28, you might want to listen in to the summit convened by Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education. It will be live streamed at www.ExcelinEd.org/Everywhere.
Jeb Bush is now a key figure in the reform movement. He is a strong supporter of charters and vouchers. He wants all teachers and all schools to get a grade based on the test scores of students. His foundation is supported by many foundations; see the list below (including Gates), and by technology companies and charter chains. Bush is a cheerleader for the digitization of classrooms. He foresees the day when there are fewer teachers and more online learning.
What a cool summit this will be!
So many superstars of reform in one place!
You will get to hear David Coleman, president of the College Board and architect of the Common Core standards.

Diane in the Evening 11-26-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 4 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: Students Organize to Support Public Education by dianerav Attention!! A group of college students has organized a new organization to support public schools, teachers and unions, to oppose privatization and to demand elimination of high stakes testing. They will work together to strengthen free,open, democratic and equitable public schools. I have signed as a supporter. Please join them. Show your support. Sad News from Louisiana by dianerav On Thanksgiving Day, I posted a tribute to the teachers of the year in Acadia Parish in Louisiana. With Governor Bobby... more »