Friday, November 23, 2012

It's Black Friday. Time to support Walmart workers. Here's how. : blue cheddar

It's Black Friday. Time to support Walmart workers. Here's how. : blue cheddar:

It’s Black Friday. Time to support Walmart workers. Here’s how.

(Go all the way to the bottom of this to see the Kenosha Walmart security visit photo.) If you said to me, “Hey.  I really need to get to the nearest Walmart.  Where do I go?” I would have to say, “I have no idea.  There’s a big one on the West side of Madison somewhere.” I also don’t really do the Black Friday shopping thing.  I think my mom took me with her on a Black Friday excursion years ago before it was really as hyped up as it is right now and I didn’t even like THAT so I can’t imagine doing it today. Therefore I’m not really excited about driving anywhere where there are post-Thanksgiving shoppers jockeying for parking spots BUT because I am supportive of the common American struggling to better life, and because Walmart is the largest private employer in the nation and they aggressively suppress worker organizing, and because I’ve already hated them for years for strategically shutting down main street businesses in rural Wisconsin, then I’ll do this. If you’re not interested in braving the elements and the parking lots, your financial contribution delivered from the comfort of your computer might be a more »