Tuesday, October 9, 2012

SI&A Cabinet Report – SBE’s Kirst calls on Munger to ditch ads attacking governor’s tax plan

SI&A Cabinet Report – News & Resources:

SBE’s Kirst calls on Munger to ditch ads attacking governor’s tax plan
By Tom Chorneau
Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The increasingly aggressive tenor of ads by fellow Democratic critics attacking Gov. Jerry Brown’s November tax measure prompted a new call from education leaders and union supporters for an end to the hostility they believe risks passage of both the governor’s Proposition 30 and rival Proposition 38.
In letters released Monday by the Brown campaign, supporters of the governor’s tax measure said they expect a new round of ads will go up statewide beginning today from backers of Proposition 38 focused only on criticizing the governor’s tax proposal.
Correspondence sent to members of the California PTA, Mike Kirst, the governor’s appointed president of the California State Board of Education warned that proponents of Proposition 38 “are leading us down a dangerous path and imperiling the education we all care about.”
Kirst, a professor emeritus at Stanford University and a national figure in the education community, said he understood and respected the PTA’s decision to support Proposition 38  but asked members to “do all in your power