Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rift widens between backers of ed initiatives 30 and 38

Rift widens between backers of ed initiatives 30 and 38

All pretense of goodwill is gone between backers of the two competing education tax measures on November’s ballot. 
State Board of Education President Mike Kirst and Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg joined union leaders Monday in sending a strongly worded letter to Molly Munger, the primary backer of Proposition 38, asking her not to run TV ads criticizing Proposition 30, Gov. Jerry Brown’s school funding measure. Kirst also emailed an undisclosed number of PTA leaders,implying they should pressure Munger “to do all in your power to stop this destructive course of action.” The state PTA, bucking education groups representing school boards, unions, and