Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Shanker Blog » Are Charter Caps Keeping Great Schools From Opening?

Shanker Blog » Are Charter Caps Keeping Great Schools From Opening?:

Are Charter Caps Keeping Great Schools From Opening?

Charter school “caps” are state-imposed limits on the size or growth of charter sectors. Currently, around 25 states and counting set caps on schools or enrollment, with wide variation in terms of specifics: Some states simply set a cap on the number of schools (or charters in force); others limit annual growth; and still others specify caps on both growth and size (there are also a few places that cap proportional spending, coverage by individual operators and other dimensions).
A great many charter school supporters strongly support the lifting of these restrictions, arguing that they prevent the opening of high-quality schools. This is, of course, an oversimplification at best, as lifting caps could just as easily lead to the proliferation of the many unsuccessful charters. If the charter school experiment has taught us