Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Do charter schools ever kick out students whose parents fail to honor volunteer commitments? | Get Schooled

Do charter schools ever kick out students whose parents fail to honor volunteer commitments? | Get Schooled:

Do charter schools ever kick out students whose parents fail to honor volunteer commitments?

A charter school administrator sent me a note that an ed group opposed to the November charter school amendment “posted a piece of serious misinformation on their Facebook page and web site alleging that charter schools remove students if their parents don’t fulfill the obligations they take on when they enroll their children, such as volunteer hours….It is illegal for any public school to remove a student without due process (commonly known as expulsion).  I challenge them here…to name any Georgia charter school that has removed a student without due process, ever, for this reason.”
It’s a fair question.
Can anyone cite an instance where a student was kicked out of a charter school because parents failed to honor the volunteer commitment in the school’s attendance policy?  (Here is a good story on the role of parent volunteers in charters.)
I know parents who have withdrawn their children from charter schools, even very good ones. They cite the same reasons that parents …