Friday, October 12, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Brizard was never more than Rahm's front man

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Brizard was never more than Rahm's front man:

Brizard was never more than Rahm's front man

What we all knew months ago is now official. Jean-Claude ("Don't call me a puppet") Brizard is out. Barbara Byrd-Bennett is in. 

It was all so predictable. J.C. Brizard was never anything more than Rahm's front man. Just another of those itinerant, what-do-you-want-me-to-do-boss, bureaucrats who moves from job to job every couple of years collecting a fat pay check and a golden parachute. If he's Arne-Duncan lucky, he may even be primed for a political career and go to Washington to play in the big leagues at the DOE.

But unlike his non-educator predecessors, Duncan and Huberman (who was brought over from the police department and then the CTA to City Hall's education department for two years)  Brizard was what my