Tuesday, October 23, 2012

FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Tuesday, October 23, 2012

FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team

Education Headlines

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hanson asks community to help Fresno Unified

Fresno Unified Superintendent Michael Hanson gave a personal and sometimes emotional state-of-the district address Monday, calling on education, community and business leaders to stay connected for the future of the city's children.

Measure E tax plan figures into Davis school board race

The candidates voters choose for the two open seats this November will have a daunting task ahead of them: how to preserve programs, maintain class sizes and keep the school day intact under a cloud of budgetary uncertainty.

Davis school board accused of illegally pushing Measure E

In a complaint filed with the Fair Political Practices Commission, a Davis political action committee contends that the city's school board and its president are illegally using taxpayer dollars to stump for a school funding measure on the November ballot.

Walters: Is Jerry Brown worried about Proposition 30?

As Election Day – and Halloween – approach, Jerry Brown may be getting spooked that his tax increase, Proposition 30, won't make it.

Modesto enrollment dip puts funds in jeopardy

Modesto City Schools trustees got an early report on the district's enrollment Monday. School population declined only slightly, comparing the end of last year with the first month of this year.

Survey: Drinking water compliance eludes some California schools

Recently passed state and federal laws require free, fresh water to be served at schools wherever meals are served or eaten. But a soon-to-be-published survey of California public schools found that while all of the campuses had at least one free water source, 1 in 4 schools did not comply with the law.

Frey: Elk Grove sharply reduces suspensions of foster youth

Elk Grove Unified has dramatically reduced suspensions and expulsions of foster youth by applying the principles of the recently passed law, Assembly Bill 1909, long before the bill was written.

More than 2 dozen L.A. Unified magnet schools are under-enrolled

Although Los Angeles magnet schools have long been seen as an elusive and exclusive club, more than two dozen of them are under-enrolled and actively looking to fill classroom seats.

Funding fight on if Prop. 30 fails

Long before political ads dominated the airwaves and arguments erupted over which Nov. 6 tax initiative best serves schools, Gov. Jerry Brown sought crucial support from county officials in a cramped conference room one block from the Capitol. County leaders in January had one priority – to ensure the state would continue sending them several billion dollars to assume former state responsibilities such as housing lower-level inmates and watching parolees.
Monday, October 22, 2012

Rowland Unified voters to decide on $158.8 million bond measure

The Rowland Unified School District is hoping voters in November will approve Measure R, a $158.8 million school bond that would fund a performing arts center at Rowland High School and replace portable classrooms at Oswalt Academy, a technology school.

Schools look to boost use of computers, other gadgets without breaking the budget

Inexpensive tablets, the rise of smart phones and the development of online textbooks and educational applications have combined to increase the feasibility of putting an Internet-connected device in front of every student. But an era of budget-tightening that has included teacher layoffs, increased class sizes and transportation cuts has led districts to seek out ways to provide this technology without draining education funds.

Anti-tax group seeks limits on pay for union presidents

Organizers with a local anti-tax group said they hope to lobby state legislators and ask them to end the practice of school districts paying the salary of teachers union presidents while they aren’t working in the classroom.