Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ryan Budget Forces Deeper Cuts to Child Tax Credit, Child Care, and Child Welfare | First Focus

House Budget Forces Deeper Cuts to Child Tax Credit, Child Care, and Child Welfare | First Focus:

First Focus - Making Childen and Families the Priority

House Budget Forces Deeper Cuts to Child Tax Credit, Child Care, and Child Welfare

April 20, 2012
By Megan Curran

The House federal fiscal year 2013 budget resolutions requires congressional committees with jurisdiction over critical investments in children to make deep budget cuts. The House Ways and Means Committee passed the required budget "reconciliation" legislation in late April. This fact sheet, part of a series on the House budget, summarizes the resulting harm to investment in children's economic security and safety.

Children's Budget 2012

June 27, 2012
By Jared Solomon
The federal government makes more than 180 distinct investments in children. These include traditional “children’s” initiatives, like education and child abuse and neglect prevention. They also include other investments that improve the lives of kids, like Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly Food Stamps).
Children’s Budget 2012 is a comprehensive guide to federal spending on children and an invaluable resource for those seeking to improve the lives of America’s youth. This year, Children’s Budget analyzes the impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on children and the consequences, as that investment runs out.