Saturday, August 11, 2012

KIPP Empower: Programs like Dreambox and Rocketship make online elementary education work. - Slate Magazine

KIPP Empower: Programs like Dreambox and Rocketship make online elementary education work. - Slate Magazine:

Kindergarten in the Computer

“Online education” for elementary schoolers doesn’t mean kids will sit alone in front of a screen all day.

Kids on computers.
Who says computer-assisted education is an anti-social exercise?
Photo by Fiona Watson/iStockphoto.
This article emerges from Future Tense, a partnership of Slate, the New America Foundation, and Arizona State University that examines emerging technologies and their effects on policy and society. On Thursday, Aug. 9, Future Tense will host an event called “Getting Schooled by a Third Grader: What Kids’ Gaming, Tweeting, Streaming and Sharing Tells Us About the Future of Elementary Education” in Washington, D.C. To learn more and to RSVP, visit theNew America Foundation website.
The notion of online education for the Crayola set can strike adults as absurd. But for kids, even little ones, it’s the idea ignoring computers all day that sounds crazy. After all, if you ask a third grader to list his favorite things, “doing stuff on the computer” will rank 


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