Friday, July 20, 2012

Weekly Update: The Zone of Doublethink, are charter schools leading to more gang violence in Chicago? and a legislator in Mississippi asked the question “Who ARE these people?!” | Seattle Education

Weekly Update: The Zone of Doublethink, are charter schools leading to more gang violence in Chicago? and a legislator in Mississippi asked the question “Who ARE these people?!” | Seattle Education:

Weekly Update: The Zone of Doublethink, are charter schools leading to more gang violence in Chicago? and a legislator in Mississippi asked the question “Who ARE these people?!”

The Seattle Education Weekly Update, news you might have missed.
“Systems in history are defined above all by who controls the wealth. The top 400 people own more wealth now than the bottom 185 million Americans taken together. That is a medieval structure.”
Gar Alperovitz’s Green Party Keynote: We Are Laying Groundwork for the “Next Great Revolution”
Speaking of the 1% , the WalMart Waltons just contributed $600,000 to support the charter school Initiative