Friday, July 20, 2012

“ALL WE CAN DO” « Teachers Fight Back

“ALL WE CAN DO” « Teachers Fight Back:


The following is a quote from Gary Elmen, the president of the Illinois Retired Teacher Association. The quote was part of the president’s message in the latest Association News that is sent to retired teachers.
“Retired teachers do not have the resources of corporate executives who want to cut the cost of taxation in Illinois, and they are not able personally to contribute millions to polished media campaigns designed to brainwash the public and scapegoat teachers for the state’s problems.  ALL WE CAN DO is visit a few fund-raisers, volunteer in some campaigns, convince our friends, and vote.”
Wow! If that’s all we can do Mr. Elmen, we are in for a real shock this fall. Illinois retired teachers better brace for the legislature to take away their cost of living increases and perhaps even their teacher insurance. That’s probably the minimum we can expect.