Tuesday, June 26, 2012

PSAT for 6-26-12: Fight to the Death Parents United for Responsible Education

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PSAT for 6-26-12: Fight to the Death

Does that sound too gruesome?
It really doesn’t feel that way to me, which is why I was inspired/fired up and not discouraged by Ramsin Canon’s powerful article, “Negotiating with Doom in the Schools Debate.” I’m not even sure what that title means (something about the CPS-CTU contract negotiation), but, as usual, Canon nails the real problem with the involvement of Michelle Rhee’s Schools First, Jonah Edelman’s Stand for Children, Michael Bloomberg’s and Jeb Bush’s whatever:
“Notoriously funded by tiny groups of immensely wealthy people, with no control by or buy-in from communities, no democratic structures that allow for parent participation, and in fact nothing other than the whims of their millionaire funders, these groups have unilaterally decided they deserve a spot at the negotiating table….
“Why shouldn’t we be heard, they ask. After all, although we don’t live in your community, don’t send our children to school there, don’t vote there, don’t have any meaningful membership there