Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Washington State PTA Convention: Be There | Seattle Education

The Washington State PTA Convention: Be There | Seattle Education:

The Washington State PTA Convention: Be There

There is a movement underfoot to take our rogue PTA back in the state of Washington.
It has been taken over with the likes of Stand for Children and the League of Education Voters (LEV) who have been setting the agenda for the WSPTA for the last two years, an agenda which includes merit pay for teachers, evaluating a teacher’s performance based on test scores and the introduction of charter schools in our state. What is  even more frightening is that since Lisa MacFarland, who founded LEV, is now with WA DFER, Democrats for Education Reform, the stakes have gone up. We have been watching the basic melding of LEV and DFER in our state and it’s not pretty.
Two SFC/LEV activists who are also PTA members, Chad Magendanz and Alison Meryweather, pushed through a resolution regarding charter schools at the legislative assembly and this resolution, couched in the language of “Equitable Educational Opportunities”, will be voted on at the PTA Convention in two weeks. If this resolution is