Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Huge Quebec Student Strike Enters New Phase « Student Activism

Huge Quebec Student Strike Enters New Phase « Student Activism:

Huge Quebec Student Strike Enters New Phase

Quebec’s ten-week student strike, now the longest in the province’s history, is reaching a critical point.
Although government officials continue to reject students’ demand that they reverse a planned tuition increase, Quebec education minister Line Beauchamp said Sunday that she is willing to meet with student leaders to discuss demands for reform in university governance. That concession was echoed the next day by Quebec’s premier, Jean Charest. Both insisted, however, that they would not meet with representatives of CLASSE, the group which represents the largest share of the striking students.
Various acts of vandalism and disruption have taken place in connection with the student strike in recent days, walls spray-painted and windows broken at a government minister’s office and the placing of bags of bricks on subway tracks. There have also been allegations, so far unconfirmed, that unused molotov cocktails were found