Tuesday, March 13, 2012

NYC Educator: The Five Stages of Guilt Over Teacher Sick Days

NYC Educator: The Five Stages of Guilt Over Teacher Sick Days:

The Five Stages of Guilt Over Teacher Sick Days

Like a lot of young lady teachers, I'm saving up my sick days to have a baby someday, so I rarely take a day off. I recently took one, however, which actually might have been more miserable than sucking it up and going to work. Herewith I offer you the Five Stages of Guilt Over Teacher Sick Days.

DENIAL [5:45 a.m.]: I am fine. No really, I am fine, and I am sure that seven hours under the fluorescent lights trying to convince teenagers to go along with some Shakespeare will actually help me feel better. Off to work I go!

ANGER [6:17 a.m., while writing an e-mail attempting to explain all of the ground that will have to be covered in my