Tuesday, March 13, 2012

LAUSD to mail more than 11,700 pink slips to educators, employees - LA Daily News

LAUSD to mail more than 11,700 pink slips to educators, employees - LA Daily News:

LAUSD to mail more than 11,700 pink slips to educators, employees

Despite an infusion in state revenue that trimmed $167 million from Los Angeles Unified's deficit, the district plans to mail out more than 11,700 pink slips to educators and other employees, Superintendent John Deasy said Monday.

Proposal would make firing teachers easier

Six weeks after the molestation scandal broke at Miramonte Elementary, three LAUSD board members called Monday for changes in state laws and district policies to make it easier to fire employees in cases of sexual misconduct.

Teacher brings books alive for students with drug problems

Florence Avognon teaches what most would describe as "challenging" students - mostly teenagers with drug problems who are forced to attend her classes as part of their probation. | Watch a YouTube video