Saturday, March 31, 2012

Big Education Ape: 3-31-12 PM Oakland plan makes teachers compete for their jobs EDition

Big Education Ape: PARENTS CAN!:
Big Education Ape: PARENTS CAN!

Published by Coopmike48 – 6 news spotters today

Urban Prep charter hype redux - Lots of extra resources for Urban Prep The media usually go nuts every year when  Chicago's Urban Prep Academy announces it has enrolled 100% of it's graduates in college. In Arne Duncan's Race To ...

Oakland plan makes teachers compete for their jobs - As part of a radical plan to reform three failing high schools in Oakland, current teachers who want to stay will have to compete for their jobs with outside applicants. They also will have to agre...

Alternative Louisiana education overhaul plan proposed - Republicans rebuffing critics of Gov. Bobby Jindal's proposals for primary and secondary education have rallied around a common theme: What's your idea? Rep. Joe Harrison, himself a Republican who ...

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coopmike48 The Future of Our Education as Illustrated from the Tucson Book Ban (Guest Post by Youth Leader Kalila #edu51 seconds ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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Daily Kos: thoughts on retiring - First, why did I tell my students?  After all, my missing the first two periods when we return from break on April 10 might well have been assumed to be for a medical appointment.  Except there is ...

Respect Our Teachers & Support Public Education - Flag petition as inappropriateBy Davina Allen (Contact)To be delivered to:The Louisiana State House, The Louisiana State Senate, and Governor Bobby JindalStop attacking our public schools and teach...

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Shot Across my Boomer Bow | Lefty Parent - Shot Across my Boomer Bow | Lefty Parent: Shot Across my Boomer Bowby Cooper ZaleI think there are way too few conversations going on between us Baby Boomers and our kids’ generation about our comm...

Tech Support Needed (Downtown) | deClassifieds - Position open immediately with fast growing American company for a tech support professional. Responsibilities include: #1: Supporting new client base with support needs #2: Must speak English and ...

American Skin (41 Shots) #trayvonmartin - AMERICAN SKIN (41 SHOTS) Studio version41 shots, and we'll take that ride 'Cross this bloody river to the other side 41 shots, cut through the night You're kneeling over his body in the vestibule P...

Art & EntertainmentSee all

Titanic's legacy: A fascination with disasters - Epic disasters -- the anguished cries, the stories of heroism -- are the central narratives of our age, both enthralling and horrifying. And our obsession began a century ago, unfolding in just 160...

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Insolvency by Bob Lyons, TRS Board - Up until now, “Insolvency” has been the mantra of the Civic Committee (Illinois is Broke) and our state legislators. “The pension funds are going to run out of money and, thus, the pensions will no...

#eduRead this paperSee all

Flunking the Test  | American Journalism Review - Flunking the Test  | American Journalism Review: Flunking the Test   The American education system has never been better, several important measures show. But you’d never know that from reading ove...

Shot Across my Boomer Bow | Lefty Parent - Shot Across my Boomer Bow | Lefty Parent: Shot Across my Boomer Bowby Cooper ZaleI think there are way too few conversations going on between us Baby Boomers and our kids’ generation about our comm...

Parent Engagement: Do you have a policy on that? - Parent Engagement: Do you have a policy on that?: Parent Engagement: Do you have a policy on that?By Myrdin ThompsonAs parents we don't often rigidly define what "engagement" in our child's educati...