Thursday, December 29, 2011

Big Education Ape: 12-29-11 AM Daily Kos: Did you know I'm a Goliath EDition #OWS #edreform

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now:
Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

Published by Coopmike48 – 7 news spotters today

Daily Kos: Did you know I'm a Goliath? - Daily Kos: Did you know I'm a Goliath?:Did you know I'm a Goliath?by (teacherken)At least according to this post by Alexander Russo I am, along with Anthony Cody, Nancy Flanagan, C...


Video - Would it bother you to know that the federal Centers for Disease Control had been shown your daughter’s health records to see how she responded to an STD/teen-pregnancy-prevention program? How abou...


Why kids need solitude - - Demand for remedial instruction in colleges is on the rise. About 75 percent of New York City freshmen attending community college last year needed remedial math, reading or writing courses. The or...


Tackling Business Problems - Harvard Business Review - Tackling Business Problems Stop Tying Pay to Performance The evidence is overwhelming: It doesn’t Bruno S. Frey and Margit Osterloh Time frame: next week | Degree of difficulty: operational...


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coopmike48 NJ Spotlight | Counting on Nurses to Fill New Jersey's Primary Care Gap - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 Students Will 'Look Overseas To Find Value For Money University Courses' - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

EducationSee all

Did you know I'm a Goliath? - Anthony and Nancy are friends and professional colleagues. We are all members of the Teachers Leaders Network. We were all on the steering committee for last summer's Save Our Schools March and N...


City Schools Missing Out on Aid for Special Needs - New York City has failed to recover tens of millions of dollars in Medicaid reimbursements for services it provided to special-needs students in recent years, as the Education Department has strugg...


Tides Are a-Turnin’ - There are some quiet rumblings out there that the tide in education reform is turning. As the sparkle and noise of Waiting for Superman fades into memory and the propaganda machine that is NBC’s E...


SocietySee all

- The Washington Post - In many instances, the bills are identical to model legislation written by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a pro-business, free-market group whose members include legislators as well as ...


Video - Would it bother you to know that the federal Centers for Disease Control had been shown your daughter’s health records to see how she responded to an STD/teen-pregnancy-prevention program? How abou...


Arizona Schools' Ethnic Studies Program Ruled Illegal - PHOENIX -- An administrative law judge ruled Tuesday that a Tucson school district's ethnic studies program violates state law, agreeing with the findings of Arizona's public schools chief.Judge Le...


StoriesSee all

After His Witnessing an Argument with My Father - I tell my son there are things one should never say, hurtful words, like liar and cheat.The heart holds whatever it hears for a long time, I say.The tongue is the mind’s fist. I want to find the ri...


School Tech Connect: I Love A Parade - I'm back. The miracle of modern rest and ginger ale! Since this is the first day I've felt human in a week, I'm going to spend it outside-- rewarding Scout with a trip to the forest preserve. The d...


PoliticsSee all

Nelson to Quit the Senate, Giving G.O.P. an Advantage - WASHINGTON — Senator Ben Nelson, the embattled two-term Democrat from Nebraska, said Tuesday that he would not seek re-election in 2012, giving Republicans a decided advantage in their drive to win...


CrimeSee all

Three from UC Davis are named to California bench - Shelyna V. Brown is one of three UC Davis graduates to be appointed Tuesday to California judgeships by Gov. Jerry Brown. She was named to a seat on the Santa Clara Superior Court bench. Courtesy p...


School bullying allegation takes bizarre twist - By Keith Reid December 28, 2011 - 12:00 AM LODI - Lodi Unified officials will return in the New Year to investigate a bizarre situation stemming from the citizen's arrest of a middle school teacher...


AdultSee all

#eduRead this paperSee all

I’m Tired of Talking About Education « Cooperative Catalyst - I’m Tired of Talking About Education « Cooperative Catalyst:I’m Tired of Talking About Educationby Deven BlackActually, I’m not.I’m going to spend the rest of this essay talking about it.I am very ...


#owsSee all

Occupy the Blog! (for 12/28/2011) - In this week between Christmas and New Years, I want to start with some of the bad news on Occupy efforts that have been covered at Firedoglake and partners. Jane has had some posts on the status o...


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