Friday, July 29, 2011

CALL TO ACTION Sacramento Comprehensive High School Coalition

Sacramento Comprehensive High School Coalition

The high school survey results are in and they have been presented to the Board (see links below). It’s time for us to make our voices heard. Please write to the Board asking for a solution to this issue this year. The solutions are the same:
1. West Campus swaps campuses with Sac Charter High and a comprehensive high school is created with West Campus on the Sac High campus
2. Collocate a new high school with Sac Charter High on the Sac High campus, or
3. Create a high school at the Sutter Middle School campus. Sutter Middle School would move to Kit Carson.

See item 9.3 East/Central Community High School Survey Report and VIDEO OF MEETING: Item 9.3
If you’re open to one or more solutions, please send your ranked preferences to:
President Gustavo Arroyo
2nd VP Ellyne Bell
Superintendent Jonathan Raymond
Phil Pluckebaum
(916) 956-8453