Monday, May 9, 2011

Big Education Ape: 5-9-11 AM State of Emergency Edition

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now - State of EmergencyYour help is urgently needed to defeat three CTA-opposed bills that attack teachers directly. The bills will hurt students, as well. The three measures are set in the Senate Educa...

coopmike48 - The Los Angeles Times on Sunday is releasing a major update to its elementary school teacher ratings, underscoring the large disparities throughout the nation's second-largest school district in in...

leoniehaimson - It is hard to imagine anyone arising from the Republican field who will be better than Obama on public education. But that does not say very much. After all, the current trend among Republicans,...

DianeRavitch - New York City high schools have been crazy for the 22 years of my employment as a school social worker. But recently, the convergence of No Child Left Behind, the continuing economic meltdown an...

fklonsky - Avoid scams and fraud by dealing locally! Beware any deal involving Western Union, Moneygram, wire transfer, cashier check, money order, shipping, escrow, or any promise of transaction protection/c...


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coopmike48 Big Education Ape L.A. Times Releases Their Ratings Of 11,500 More Teachers Today | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 The DeVos Family: Meet the Super-Wealthy Right-Wingers Working With the Religious Right to Kill Public Education | | - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 Big Education Ape: Budget cuts, class sizes, and removing teacher safeguards (HB 400): Dooming the future of Texas - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite - Yes, America, there are pro-choice Republicans. But after this week, there's some question about whether are any left in the U.S. Congress.H.R. 3, the "No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act" that pa...

fklonsky - Daily Kos: Obama - giving credit where credit is dueObama - giving credit where credit is dueby (teacherken)I am often critical of this President and his administration, most notab...

coopmike48 - Daily Kos: does Dionne have it right?does Dionne have it right?by (teacherken)Let me begin with the ending: It’s axiomatic that government isn’t perfect and that we’re better off ...






coopmike48 - The DeVos Family: Meet the Super-Wealthy Right-Wingers Working With the Religious Right to Kill Public Education | | AlterNetThe DeVos Family: Meet the Super-Wealthy Right-Wingers Working With the ...

coopmike48 - Three struggling Los Angeles high schools face sharp funding reductions over and above those expected as a result of the state budget crisis, The Times has learned. Fremont, Manual Arts and Jordan ...

mikeklonsky - I remember Joel Klein's first words in his attack on seniority: the schools in the poorest neighborhoods can't attract the same level of experienced teachers that schools in wealthier neighborhoo...

tbfurman - Plessy AND Ferguson Unite for Civil Rights at our SOS Webinar Thursday! :: Save Our Schools March and National Call to ActionPlessy AND Ferguson Unite for Civil Rights at our SOS Webinar Thursday!b...

coopmike48 - Published at 12:22 am, May 9, 2011 Photo Credits: National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast Esperanza, one of the nation’s largest faith-based Hispanic organizations, announced today that President Barack...

coopmike48 - We are all aware of the story about the boy who tore his dad’s lawn mower apart to make it run better. The fact the mower was not broken in the first place, and then cost even more to put back tog...

coopmike48 - My 5th grade class sent up a high altitude balloon … well actually, Dr. Eric Wang from the University of Nevada, Reno, Mechanical Engineering Department and the NevadaSat program sent up a high alt...

DianeRavitch - SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: Attention Whoring With Ruben BrosbeAttention Whoring With Ruben BrosbePosted: 08 May 2011 02:00 PM PDTI am enraged. I have had it, and I am going to not censor myself in this bl...

coopmike48 - Happy Mothers’ Day. A story of mom from Hungry Sofia. And a recipe for Crêpas de Castaña con Miel. “Mother, mother,” sings Marvin Gaye. Mother Jones was called the most dangerous woman in America. ...

fklonsky - Place No One Above Ya, Sweet Lady | The Jose VilsonPlace No One Above Ya, Sweet Ladyby JoseRecently, I was watching the movie 2Pac Resurrection, the posthumously narrated biographical film about th...

coopmike48 - February 24, 2011 The return of ROTC to some campuses -- seemingly assured by the end of the military's policy against gay service members -- may be hitting a few bumps.More February 24, 2011 City ...

coopmike48 - May 2011 9 Scott Walker has baited the workers of Wisconsin to such a degree that they’re taking their protests to amphibian levels, staging demonstrations from motor boats while the Governor attem...

coopmike48 - Fifth Season Cooperative of Viroqua could well serve as a model for business development in rural Wisconsin. Ready to open for this spring’s growing season, Fifth Season connects small farmers and ...

coopmike48 - Teamsters, safety groups open campaign against extra-large trucks Workday Minnesota ...Their drive is fueled by a combination of economics – the big rigs rip up roads, which are expensive to rep...

coopmike48 - You read it over and over: Oil prices are based on supply and demand, while commodity trading has little effect!!!That’s what we’ve been reading in the major media as a way of presenting a balanced...
