Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Big Education Ape: 3-15-11, SPECIAL AM #wiunion Edition #recall8 #p2 #edreform #edchat

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunion

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

dailykos.com - Round-ups, Wrap-ups, Live-Blogs and Summaries In the Daily Bucket series, enhydra lutris wrote about the arrival of Bees: "The little native Bumblebees are out hanging around our flowering currant...

firedoglake.com - Before we begin, I just want to thank the members of the FDL community who came out to support the launch of my new book, Chicago’s Historic Irish Pubs, last Friday night. It was great meeting you ...

democurmudgeon.blogspot.com - According to the Cap Times:Monroe County dairy farmer Joel Greeno works 90 to 100 hours a week. He and his wife, who works at a Wal-Mart distribution center, have a 4-year-old daughter and are expe...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - The Latest in Wisconsin: Recalls Taking Center Stage | FDL News DeskThe Latest in Wisconsin: Recalls Taking Center StageBy: David Dayen Monday March 14, 2011 12:27 pmTweet Share The New York Times...

blogs.edweek.org - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's plan to curb collective bargaining rights is now the law of the land in his state, barring legal barriers, or other unexpected obstacles.Teachers will presumably be le...

dekerivers.wordpress.com - I would like to think that the power of conviction is still a real calling that drives our politicians. During the first week of the massive outpouring of support for state workers and public emplo...

millermps.wordpress.com - No comments yet.

solidaritywisconsin.com - Governor Walker’s first budget is breathtaking. It upends more than a generation of environmental progress in the name of saving money – even though it adds hundreds of millions of dollars in new ...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Republicans Introduce Legistation to Weaken K12 Public Schools in Wisconsin | Defend WisconsinRepublicans Introduce Legistation to Weaken K12 Public Schools in Wisconsinby jillhopkeRepublican state...

schooltechconnect.com - Just an update--- the recall effort on Senator Alberta Darling is organized out of an office in Shorewood, and this is the correct address:Sweet and Associates2510 E. Capitol Drive Shorewood, WI 53...

host.madison.com - STEVEN VERBURG | sverburg@madison.com | 608-252-6118 madison.com | | Posted: Monday, March 14, 2011 6:24 pm The lead lawyer for the state agency in charge of settling state labor-management dispute...

defendwisconsin.org - WASHBURN — Wisconsin’s protracted family fight over the budget and public employee unions moved to this Bayfield County town Saturday evening, as embattled Gov. Scott Walker spoke at an invitation-...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - A teacher weeps for the future of Wisconsin schools - Isthmus | The Daily PageA teacher weeps for the future of Wisconsin schoolsVikki Kratz on Thursday 03/10/2011 3:25 pm, (8) Comments, (48) Likes...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - State Senator Olson Gets Slammed In TV Ad, Makes Washington Post « CAFFEINATED POLITICSState Senator Olson Gets Slammed In TV Ad, Makes Washington PostMARCH 14, 2011tags: Recall election, Wisconsin...

nymag.com - Photo: Courtesy Wisconsin State Legislature It's not that Wisconsin State senator Randy Hopper's wife thinks he's been a bad lawmaker, necessarily. More like a bad person. As Hopper's wife explaine...

democurmudgeon.blogspot.com - MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell:

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Wisconsin Farmers Flood Madison – Tractor Parade March 12 | Defend WisconsinWisconsin Farmers Flood Madison – Tractor Parade March 12by jillhopkeMore union members and concerned Wisconsin residents...

budget.wispolitics.com - Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald wrote this afternoon in an email to his caucus that Senate Dems remain in contempt of the Senate and will not be allowed to vote in committees despite return...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Part 3. 150,000 Welcome the Dem14 Home: I laughed, I cried, I took pictures. | blue cheddar.Part 3. 150,000 Welcome the Dem14 Home: I laughed, I cried, I took pictures.BY BLUECHEDDARI have video. I...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - WEACvideo on Mar 14, 2011In addressing 100,000 people outside the Wisconsin State Capitol on March 12, 2011, WEAC President Mary Bell said Wisconsinites "are more resolved than I have ever seen them."

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Cut Our Throats – Please! | Dissident VoiceCut Our Throats – Please!by Michael K. Smith / March 14th, 2011This ought to be the rallying cry of Scott Walker and his band of fiscal “patriots.” Their ...

democurmudgeon.blogspot.com - It's not just the crowds showing up at the state Capitol anymore. We're now seeing huge crowds waiting to greet Gov. Scott Walker, as he celebrates his union killing bill, with one fundraiser after...

wepartypatriots.com - Mar 2011 14 Wisconsin’s Democratic Senators, affectionately labeled the Fab 14 returned to Madison on Saturday to a cheering, ebullient crowd anxious to pay its repsect to the legislators who bough...

eiaonline.com - He only appears every so often, but it’s always worthwhile. Hans Moleman explains why the showdown in Wisconsin was foreordained. This entry was posted on Monday, March 14th, 2011 at 10:39 and is f...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Author Stephen King calls Walker a 'stooge' - WKOW 27: Madison, WI Breaking News, Weather and SportsAuthor Stephen King calls Walker a 'stooge'Posted: Mar 14, 2011 9:23 AM PDTEnlarge this pictureAu...

defendwisconsin.org - – March 14, 2011Posted in: Announcements Governor Walker’s proposed 2012-2013 budget repeals access to in-state tuition for undocumented students and eliminates Food Share benefits (food stamps) fo...

dekerivers.wordpress.com - This can only help Randy Hopper avoid a recall election, right? One of Scott Walker’s top orcs in the union-busting thuggery, Republican Randy Hopper, was thrown out by his wife and is now shacked...

jsonline.com - March 12, 2011 | Madison - Mary Bell of the Wisconsin Education Association Council said Saturday "we were not sure what the end would be but we would not go away." "Here we are, another Saturday, ...

jsonline.com - March 14, 2011 2:38 p.m. | Madison — Gov. Scott Walker's union bargaining changes will require some 30,000 state workers to hold a do-or-die vote on their unions' futures by the end of April. The p...

examiner.com - The Wisconsin Democratic state senators have now returned to the state, but they are still not having their votes counted in committee. Today Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald sent a letter ...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Corey Booker On Collective Bargaining, Wisconsin, Tenure - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education.Corey Booker On Collective Bargaining, Wisconsin, Tenure"Wisconsin is a National Story"-Lesli...

defendwisconsin.org - The Republican Party’s annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner was open to card-carrying party members only and closed to the media. Walker spoke for approximately 20 minutes before driving back to Madison Su...

solidaritywisconsin.com - In another sign that the Wisconsin GOP’s quick passage of the bill to roll back bargaining rights is only causing the fight to escalate, Dems have now collected over 45 percent of the signatures ne...

solidaritywisconsin.com - Scott Walker's extreme agenda against the middle-class brought a national focus on the special interests that helped fund his deceptive campaign for governor. Many people are paying particular atte...

kochwatch.org - March 13, 2011- The Wisconsin State Troopers Union is alarmed by Governor Walker’s order to deploy them in what may have be an illegal mission to restrict access to the Wisconsin Capitol. They are ...

eiaonline.com - Click here to read: 1) Sex, Drinks and Rock & Roll: The Wisconsin Education Association Council’s Collective Bargaining Agreement With Its Own Employees 2) Last Week’s Intercepts 3) Quote of the We...

solidaritywisconsin.com - Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald wrote this afternoon in an email to his caucus that Senate Dems remain in contempt of the Senate and will not be allowed to vote in committees despite return...

solidaritywisconsin.com - The former head of the Division of Water in the state Department of Natural Resources said rollbacks of clean water regulations in Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget could put the state in violati...

seattleducation2010.wordpress.com - Nova High School has an exceptional Language Arts program with top SAT scores in Seattle for the last three years to prove it. Overall Nova has no rival when it comes to curriculum and preparation ...


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coopmike48 Structured recess is paying off in the classroom - Philly.com -http://goo.gl/lQyNi3 minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 How far can schools go in regulating teachers' social-media use? - Philly.com - http://goo.gl/KlLK02 minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 Rutherford schools cut off talks with teachers union | The Tennessean | tennessean.com - http://goo.gl/7QDn8about 1 minute ago · reply

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coopmike48 Computer-Based G.E.D. Tests Planned - NYTimes.com -http://goo.gl/Vcoj16 minutes ago · reply

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunionBig Education Ape: Ed News Now as shared by 6 people on Coopmike48’s Twitter listNext update in about 12 hoursBack to front pageHEADLINESEDUCATIONPOLITICSART...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunionBig Education Ape: Ed News Now as shared by 6 people on Coopmike48’s Twitter listNext update in about 12 hoursBack to front pageHEADLINESEDUCATIONPOLITICSART...

defendwisconsin.org - It was like a welcome home party for Senator Bob Jauch… “We’ve been friends for 3 decades and I wanted to make sure that he saw his friends in the crowd. I’m very proud to call him my friend and my...

schooltechconnect.com - In case you missed the truly great Tony Schultz: I can believe that someone like Scott Walker would piss off such a broad spectrum of Wisconsin citizens; what's hard to figure out is why the rest o...

democurmudgeon.blogspot.com - I thought Howard Dean put it well here about what's happening in Wisconsin, and around the country. Then again, even though it makes complete sense to me, my conservative friend will probably find ...

democurmudgeon.blogspot.com - Republicans have been "projecting" for years. Projection "is a psychological defense mechanism where a person unconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions ... projection i...

democurmudgeon.blogspot.com - WKOW News had great coverage of the returning Democratic Senators, and the insulting characterization of these heroes by Sen. Scott Fitzgerald, who's short tempered school yard bully is on full dis...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Wisconsin Farmers' Tractor Rally for Workers' Rights | www.kochwatch.orgWisconsin Farmers' Tractor Rally for Workers' Rights PART 1 WATCH ON YOUTUBE: read moreGreat Photo Gallery of Madison Protest...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - What’s Next for Wisconsin? | Labor NotesDemonstrators Dragged from Wisconsin Capitol as Square Remains PackedMISCHA GAUS MAR 10The Capitol Square in Madison is again packed with union members of ev...

defendwisconsin.org - – March 14, 2011Posted in: Individuals, Messages of Support Union Sisters and Brothers,Be assured that your voice is being heard and that we support your cause. Our Union work forces are being chal...

host.madison.com - JOHN NICHOLS | Cap Times associate editor | jnichols@madison.com madison.com | | Posted: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 7:00 am I have known Gov. Scott Walker for many years, and one of the things I have...

defendwisconsin.org - A third librarians’ march took place on March 12 during what has been a month of daily protests at Wisconsin’s State Capitol. Library staff and supporters gathered at Madison Public Library’s Centr...

jsonline.com - March 14, 2011 7:18 a.m. | A forum on Gov. Scott Walker's state budget plan will be held tonight at 7 p.m. at the Shorewood High School Auditorium. The forum, sponsored by the Institute for Wiscons...

huffingtonpost.com - By Diane Ravitch Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin has taught the nation some very important civics lessons. The price is high, but we should pay careful attention to what he teaches by example. T...

dekerivers.wordpress.com - This story deserves more notice from all over the country. It is quite amusing given that Republicans are the champions of ‘local control.’ How would you feel if this were to happen to your town or...

kochwatch.org - You are hereThom Hartmann: Scott Walker is the face now - but the first culprit was 100 years ago.

democurmudgeon.blogspot.com - Father figure Republicans must discipline their 14 wayward subordinates who would not “come home.”TPM: As WisPolitics reports, Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) sent a letter to his fello...

dane101.com - Post by Jesse Russell on 3/14/2011 2:10pm Finding it difficult to go anywhere in Wisconsin to raise a dollar without running into thousands of protesters (Washburn/Green Bay) the Wisconsin Triumvir...

reverendmanny.com - (As originally posted by: Reverend Manny of the Human Tribe on March 10, 2011 for PresStorm.com– view original post here) With Americans taking to the streets at the international bugle call of fre...

solidaritywisconsin.com - MADISON (WKOW) -- The Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs says the 2011-13 budget proposed by the governor would endanger the Veterans Trust Fund. In a letter to Governor Scot...

solidaritywisconsin.com - Interesting DailyKOS article on why you shouldn't listen to the story that M&I banks is spinning about how they've not supported Walker. What gave them the deniability was our old friend the 527 or...
