Sunday, February 20, 2011

American Corporatocracy: Wisconsin Style | #wisolidarity #wiunion #weac

American Corporatocracy: Wisconsin Style |

American Corporatocracy: Wisconsin Style

Wisconsin legislat 1829969c Getty Images American Corporatocracy: Wisconsin Style

This week, in the American corporatocracy, we witnessed Wisconsin Republicans, including their newly minted Governor Scott Walker (no relation to my brother), attempt to bust the unions. To do this, Walker and his Republican allies maliciously manufactured a financial crisis.

For decades the lairs on the Right have been scheming to strip workers of their right to collectively bargain with employers. The reason is simple, if you’re a proponent of the corporatocracy, the last thing you would want is an empowered work force. In fact, the real endgame for the folks that believe America should be turned over to a corporate power structure is the elimination of the middle class and the establishment of a vast underclass. Think about it.

For nearly 150 years, the corporatists have subtlety and sometimes