Tuesday, September 12, 2023





Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, gather around because we have a story that will make you laugh, cry and maybe even gasp a little. It's the tale of Shane Murnan, the principal of John Glenn Elementary School in Oklahoma, who also happens to be a drag queen named Shantel Mandalay.

Now, before you start clutching your pearls and fainting from shock, let me tell you that Shane/Shantel is a man of many talents. He's been working in public education in Oklahoma for 26 years and has been performing as Shantel for just as long. And let me tell you, he puts on a show that would make RuPaul herself proud.

But not everyone is a fan of Shane's alter ego. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters has been on Fox News twice in the past week to criticize Shane's side career as a drag queen. And some parents have even gone so far as to send him death threats. Can you believe it? Death threats over a man in a wig and heels.

But Shane isn't one to back down from a fight. He's defended himself and his art, saying that he's open about who he is and that performing as Shantel is a form of therapy and performance art. And let's be real, who doesn't love a good therapy session in sequins and feathers?

Now, some people have brought up a child pornography charge from 20 years ago that Shane had to explain. But he says that it was a result of bias against gay educators. And honestly, who among us hasn't been unfairly targeted because of who we are?

Despite all the backlash, Shane's school district has defended their hiring decision, stating that he has an outstanding reputation. And Shane himself has even paused his performances as Shantel, stating that his priority is his school and job.

But let me tell you, if I were a student at John Glenn Elementary School, I would be begging for a private performance from Shantel Mandalay. Can you imagine the looks on those kids' faces when their principal struts into the cafeteria in full drag? It would be like Christmas morning and Halloween combined.

So let's all raise a glass to Shane Murnan, aka Shantel Mandalay. Queen for a day, educator for life. May he continue to slay the education game and the drag game with equal fierceness. And may all the haters learn to live and let live (and maybe even learn to appreciate a good lip sync).

‘Very open with who I am’: Western Heights principal defends drag queen alter ego https://nondoc.com/2023/09/11/western-heights-principal-shane-murnan-drag-queen-shantel-mandalay/ via @nondocmedia 

Some support, others concerned about principal in Western Heights https://www.koco.com/article/oklahoma-western-heights-elementary-school-principal-board-meeting/45091612 

Community shares mixed reactions about embattled principal at Western Heights meeting | KOKH https://okcfox.com/news/local/community-shares-mixed-reactions-about-embattled-principal-at-western-heights-board-meeting-school-district-meeting-doctor-shane-murnan-council-grove-elementary-libs-of-tiktok-state-superintendent-ryan-walters-drag-queen-child-pornography-charges 

Ryan Walters calls for drag queen principal to be fired | Fox News Video https://www.foxnews.com/video/6336759708112 





Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your hats (or MAGA caps, if you prefer) because we have a new hero in town. Meet Ryan Rasputin Walters, the Mad MAGA Monk of Oklahoma Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction. 

This guy is a real hoot. Just last Sunday, he spoke to a crowd in Tulsa and declared that PragerU content will be in every school instead of just being an option. I mean, who needs freedom of choice when you can have propaganda shoved down your throat, am I right? 

But let's take a closer look at what kind of content PragerU is peddling. According to some reports, PragerU Kids is promoting denialism of climate change, colonialism, and even slavery. Yup, you read that right. Apparently, they think that slavery wasn't all that bad and that colonialism was actually a good thing. 

Now, I don't know about you, but I think it's safe to say that this kind of thinking belongs in the garbage bin of history along with mullets and shoulder pads. But apparently, Ryan Walters thinks differently. Maybe he's been hitting the communion wine a little too hard. 

And speaking of questionable decisions, let's talk about Ben Sasse. This former senator of Nebraska and current president of the University of Florida has been making some interesting choices lately. For one thing, he's been hiring McKinsey consultants left and right. Because nothing says "I care about education" like bringing in a bunch of corporate suits to tell you how to run things. 

But that's not all. Ben has also been promoting DeSantis' "reform" agenda. You know, the one that's been causing all kinds of controversy and outrage? Yeah, that one. It's almost like he's trying to set himself up for failure. 

Look, I don't want to be too hard on these guys. After all, they're just trying to do what they think is best for their states and their country. But when your idea of "best" involves denying climate change and promoting slavery, maybe it's time to take a step back and reevaluate your priorities. 

In the meantime, I'll be over here with my popcorn, watching the show and laughing my head off. Because let's face it, sometimes the only way to deal with the madness is to laugh at it. And with guys like Ryan Walters and Ben Sasse in charge, we'll never run out of material.

Walters Says PragerU Will Be In 'Every School' https://www.newson6.com/story/64ff9889b41d320705361e33/walters-says-prageru-will-be-in-every-school 

Two Grim Education Stories: Ben Sasse at University of Florida and Public Schools and PragerU https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a45086438/prageru-schools-curriculum-florida-oklahoma/ 

Big Education Ape: OKLAHOMA APPROVES PRAGERU (PU) FOR SCHOOLS: WILL REPLACE HISTORY BOOKS WITH MAGA COLORING BOOKS https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/09/oklahoma-approves-prageru-pu-for.html 

Big Education Ape: WHAT IS THE PRAGERU CURRICULUM AND OF COURSE FLORIDA APPROVES USE IN SCHOOLS https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/07/what-is-prageru-curriculum-and-of.html 

Big Education Ape: GET YOUR DAILY DOSE OF BS EDUCATION AT PRAGERU https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/08/get-your-daily-dose-of-bs-education-at.html 




In the wacky world of charter schools, where rules can be as unpredictable as a chameleon on roller skates, one school in San Antonio, Texas has taken the concept of bathroom passes to a whole new level. Brace yourselves, folks, because we're about to dive into the absurdity that is Great Hearts Western Hills.

Now, let's start with the basics. Bathroom passes are a common sight in schools across the globe. They're usually simple slips of paper that grant students the freedom to relieve themselves when nature calls. But at Great Hearts Western Hills, they've decided to spice things up a bit. Instead of plain old white passes, they've gone for a vibrant purple color. And if that wasn't enough to make you scratch your head in confusion, get ready for this - these purple passes are specifically for female students during their menstrual cycle.

Yes, you read that right. The school has introduced what they call "menstrual passes." These purple slips of paper come complete with a Shakespearean sonnet printed on them. Because nothing says "I need to go to the bathroom" like a beautifully crafted verse from the Bard himself. I can just imagine a student reciting, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Forsooth, I must away to the loo without delay!"

Now, the school claims that these menstrual passes were implemented to tackle the rampant abuse of bathroom access. Apparently, students were taking advantage of their bathroom privileges left, right, and center. But here's the thing - why should girls be singled out for having to use a bathroom pass during their time of the month? It's like saying, "Hey ladies, we know you're going through a natural bodily function, so here's a slip of paper to remind you that you're different and should be ashamed of it." Talk about adding insult to injury!

And let's not forget the awkwardness factor. Imagine being a teenage girl and having to explain to your teacher that you need to use the bathroom because Aunt Flo is visiting. It's cringe-worthy enough as it is, but now they have to whip out their purple pass and recite a Shakespearean sonnet just to justify their bodily functions. I can already picture the uncomfortable silence that follows as the teacher tries to process what just happened.

But wait, there's more! The school also sent an email to parents outlining their bathroom policy. Apparently, each student is entitled to four passes per quarter. But here's where it gets really interesting - girls on campus were given an additional colored slip of paper that grants them unlimited bathroom access. Yes, you heard me right. Unlimited bathroom access. It's like they're saying, "We know it's tough being a girl, so here's your golden ticket to the porcelain throne."

Now, I can't help but wonder what other crazy rules exist in this charter school. Do they have a chartreuse pass for students with indigestion? Or maybe a neon pink pass for those who need a break from quadratic equations? The possibilities are endless!

In all seriousness though, it's important to address the underlying issues here. Girls should never feel ashamed or singled out because of their bodies. They should have the freedom to use the bathroom whenever they need to, regardless of their menstrual cycle. And let's be real - students will always find a way to abuse any system, even with these so-called menstrual passes.

So, Great Hearts Western Hills, let's take a step back and reevaluate these crazy charter school rules. Let's create an environment where all students feel comfortable and respected, without the need for purple passes or Shakespearean sonnets. And hey, if you're ever in need of some wacky bathroom pass ideas, I'm just a phone call away. I've got a whole rainbow of colors and literary quotes ready for you!

Until then, let's flush away these ridiculous rules and embrace a world where bathroom breaks are as simple as answering nature's call. And remember, folks, when life hands you purple passes, just laugh it off and keep on rolling - because sometimes, you've just got to find humor in the absurdity!

Texas charter school issues menstrual passes for students https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/san-antonio-schools-bathroom-pass-18360218.php