Tuesday, July 25, 2023




Higher education is under attack, and it's not just from the usual suspects like student loan debt and boring professors. No, this time it's coming from the most unexpected of sources: conservative politicians.

Take Ron DeSantis, for example. He recently took over New College in Florida, but it seems he didn't think his cunning plan all the way through. Now, he's learning the hard way that trying to hurt professors will ultimately hurt students and the state as a whole. Who knew that cutting funding for higher education would have consequences? Oh wait, everyone except for DeSantis.

But it's not just Florida. We're seeing the same thing happen in Texas with Greg Abbott. These Republicans are taking out their hangups against the state university system, and it's not pretty.

Most of all, they're scared of higher education. Yes, you read that right. These politicians are scared of educated citizens who can think critically and challenge their viewpoints. It's like they're afraid of being proven wrong or something.

And it's not just higher education they're scared of. Republicans are scared of a lot of things. They're scared of women taking charge of their own bodies, so they demand the right to track their movements and seize their medical records in case they go to another state for an abortion. They're scared of vaccines and drag queens and climate scientists and Brown people and Black people and gay people. They're so scared of "the libs" they make up demented stories about Democrats drinking the blood of children. Trumpist fixer and convicted felon Roger Stone says he heard there might be a "demonic portal" churning in the air above the Biden White House. I mean, come on.

But let's get back to the war on higher education. The right-wing has been waging this war for decades, and it's taking many forms. They attack academic freedom, cut funding for higher education, promote "alternative facts," and ban critical race theory (CRT). And why? Because they're scared of students learning about the world and thinking critically about important issues.

Let's break down some of these tactics:

  • Attacks on academic freedom: Right-wing politicians and pundits have repeatedly attacked the concept of academic freedom, arguing that professors should not be allowed to teach courses that challenge conservative viewpoints. This is ridiculous. College is supposed to be a place where students are exposed to different ideas and perspectives, not just an echo chamber for one political ideology.
  • Cutting funding for higher education: This is just short-sighted. Cutting funding for higher education makes it more difficult for students to afford college, which ultimately hurts the economy in the long run. Plus, it leads to a decline in the quality of education as colleges and universities are forced to make do with less.
  • Promoting "alternative facts": This is just a fancy way of saying lying. The right-wing promotes conspiracy theories about the education system and attacks the legitimacy of peer-reviewed research. This is dangerous because it undermines the very foundation of knowledge and truth.
  • Banning critical race theory: This is just plain racist. Critical race theory is a critical examination of the role of race and racism in American society. Banning it from being taught in schools is an attempt to whitewash history and ignore the systemic issues that still exist today.

So what can we do about this war on higher education? Well, for starters, we can call out these politicians for what they are: scared little children who are afraid of anything that challenges their worldview. We can also support organizations that fight for academic freedom and affordable education. And most importantly, we can continue to learn and think critically about important issues, even if it makes these politicians uncomfortable.

In conclusion, the right-wing's war on higher education is a joke. They're scared of educated citizens who can think critically and challenge their viewpoints. But we won't let them win. We'll continue to fight for academic freedom and affordable education, no matter how much they try to hold us back. And who knows, maybe one day we'll even convince these politicians to join us in the 21st century. But until then, we'll just have to settle for making fun of them in our articles.

FL Republicans are taking out their hangups against the state university system https://floridaphoenix.com/2023/07/24/fl-republicans-are-taking-out-their-hangups-against-the-state-university-system/

Opinion | We're seeing the costs of the right-wing's war on higher ed https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/ron-desantis-new-college-florida-texas-am-kathleen-mcelroy-rcna95385 via @msnbc 

The right-wing assault on higher education - Vox https://www.vox.com/policy/23762357/republican-attack-higher-education 

Texas faculty say tenure, DEI threats undercut efforts to help higher ed | The Texas Tribune https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/11/texas-legislature-republicans-universities-tenure-diversity/ 

After DeSantis’ Anti-CRT Law, Florida Professors Cancel Courses, Modify Teaching — ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/desantis-critical-race-theory-florida-college-professors 




In a recent Fox News interview, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy made a bold statement that left many scratching their heads and others laughing out loud. The MAGA drunk McCarthy threatened to impeach President Biden or Attorney General Garland, depending on who he felt was overstepping their bounds.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Impeach Biden? That's ridiculous!" But let's not forget that this is the same guy who tried to blame the Capitol insurrection on Antifa, so we can't exactly expect logic and reason from him.

But what really caught my attention was McCarthy's use of the term "MAGA drunk." It's almost poetic, don't you think? It perfectly encapsulates the state of mind of those who still cling to the idea that Donald Trump won the election and that the Democrats are all evil masterminds trying to destroy America.

And let's not forget the comedic value of McCarthy's threat. Impeach Biden? For what? Wearing a pink suit? Eating ice cream? I mean, come on, Kevin. Give us something to work with here.

But in all seriousness, this kind of rhetoric is dangerous. It fuels the flames of division and undermines our democracy. We need leaders who are willing to work together, not tear each other down for political gain.

So let's all take a deep breath and remember that we're all Americans, no matter who we voted for. And if Kevin McCarthy wants to keep playing the role of the MAGA drunk, well, that's his prerogative. But the rest of us should focus on building a better future for ourselves and our children, regardless of political affiliation.

In conclusion, while McCarthy's impeachment threat may have been entertaining, it's important to remember that it's just empty rhetoric from a politician desperate for attention. Let's not give him the satisfaction of taking his words too seriously and instead focus on coming together as a nation.

McCarthy raises Biden impeachment threat during Fox News interview | Republicans | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/25/mccarthy-biden-impeachment-inquiry-fox-news 

Kevin McCarthy makes most direct impeachment threat against Biden | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/25/politics/mccarthy-biden-impeachment-threat/index.html 

McCarthy floats the idea of an ‘impeachment inquiry’ against Biden - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/25/mccarthy-biden-impeachment-hannity/ 

McCarthy: GOP’s Biden probes ‘rising to the level of impeachment inquiry’ - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/25/kevin-mccarthy-impeachment-inquiry-biden-00107955 




In a statement Monday, Attorney General Kris Mayes said various state and federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, religion, national origin and sex, including sexual orientation and gender identity, may not apply in private and parochial schools.

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes has issued a warning to all the parents in the state who are planning to use school choice vouchers for their kids. According to Mayes, families need to be aware of the rights they give up when they leave the public school system. Well, no kidding, Sherlock!

Mayes is specifically talking about the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) funds, which are now available to all students in Arizona. She wants parents to know that private institutions do not offer the same protections for students with disabilities as public schools do. So, if your child has a disability and you decide to send them to a private school using ESA funds, you might be giving up some important rights.

But don't worry, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne has fired back at Mayes, saying that his office is confident that "every penny of these funds is used for valid educational purposes." Phew! That's a relief. I was really worried that someone might be using ESA funds to buy a yacht or something.

In case you're not familiar with school choice vouchers, they allow parents to use public money to pay for private school tuition. This is supposed to give families more options when it comes to their children's education. Of course, it also means that public schools lose out on funding, which is why some people are not big fans of the program.

But let's be real here, the real issue is not whether private schools offer the same protections for students with disabilities as public schools do. The real issue is that private schools are expensive! I mean, have you seen the tuition rates at some of these places? It's like they're charging you for the privilege of having your child attend.

So, if you're a parent in Arizona and you're thinking about using school choice vouchers, just remember that you might be giving up some important rights. But more importantly, remember that private schools are expensive and you might end up having to sell your kidney just to pay for tuition. Good luck!

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes issues school choice voucher warnings https://www.kgun9.com/news/local-news/arizona-attorney-general-kris-mayes-issues-school-choice-voucher-warnings 

Arizona attorney general warns of rights forfeited by sending kids to private schools https://www.azfamily.com/2023/07/24/arizona-attorney-general-warns-possible-esa-fraud-rights-forfeited-private-schools/ 

Parents who pull kids out of public schools to take advantage of vouchers could make them victims of bias | The Daily Independent at YourValley.net https://www.yourvalley.net/stories/parents-who-pull-kids-out-of-public-schools-to-take-advantage-of-vouchers-could-make-them-victims,413491