Tuesday, July 25, 2023




In a recent Fox News interview, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy made a bold statement that left many scratching their heads and others laughing out loud. The MAGA drunk McCarthy threatened to impeach President Biden or Attorney General Garland, depending on who he felt was overstepping their bounds.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Impeach Biden? That's ridiculous!" But let's not forget that this is the same guy who tried to blame the Capitol insurrection on Antifa, so we can't exactly expect logic and reason from him.

But what really caught my attention was McCarthy's use of the term "MAGA drunk." It's almost poetic, don't you think? It perfectly encapsulates the state of mind of those who still cling to the idea that Donald Trump won the election and that the Democrats are all evil masterminds trying to destroy America.

And let's not forget the comedic value of McCarthy's threat. Impeach Biden? For what? Wearing a pink suit? Eating ice cream? I mean, come on, Kevin. Give us something to work with here.

But in all seriousness, this kind of rhetoric is dangerous. It fuels the flames of division and undermines our democracy. We need leaders who are willing to work together, not tear each other down for political gain.

So let's all take a deep breath and remember that we're all Americans, no matter who we voted for. And if Kevin McCarthy wants to keep playing the role of the MAGA drunk, well, that's his prerogative. But the rest of us should focus on building a better future for ourselves and our children, regardless of political affiliation.

In conclusion, while McCarthy's impeachment threat may have been entertaining, it's important to remember that it's just empty rhetoric from a politician desperate for attention. Let's not give him the satisfaction of taking his words too seriously and instead focus on coming together as a nation.

McCarthy raises Biden impeachment threat during Fox News interview | Republicans | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/25/mccarthy-biden-impeachment-inquiry-fox-news 

Kevin McCarthy makes most direct impeachment threat against Biden | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/25/politics/mccarthy-biden-impeachment-threat/index.html 

McCarthy floats the idea of an ‘impeachment inquiry’ against Biden - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/25/mccarthy-biden-impeachment-hannity/ 

McCarthy: GOP’s Biden probes ‘rising to the level of impeachment inquiry’ - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/25/kevin-mccarthy-impeachment-inquiry-biden-00107955