Sunday, October 1, 2023



Attention all starving teachers! Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you want to have a little extra cash to splurge on those overpriced lattes or avocado toast? Well, fear not my fellow educators, for gig work is here to save the day!

But wait, before you go signing up to perform on a pornography website like our dear friend Brianna Coppage, let's take a closer look at what gig work entails for teachers.

First off, let's address the elephant in the room. No, teachers do not have to take a vow of poverty to teach. However, it sure feels like it sometimes. The average teacher salary in the US is $65,090, but that varies widely depending on the state and school district. In some states, the average salary is as low as $40,000. It's no wonder teachers are turning to gig work to supplement their income.

Gig work can include anything from driving for Uber or Lyft, delivering food for DoorDash or Grubhub, or even tutoring students online. The possibilities are endless! But before you start dreaming of all the extra cash you'll be raking in, let's take a closer look at the challenges of gig work for teachers.

One of the biggest challenges is the unpredictable hours. You never know when you'll get a ride request or a food delivery order. This can make it difficult to plan your schedule around your teaching job. Plus, gig work doesn't come with the same benefits as a full-time job, so you'll have to factor in things like health insurance and retirement savings.

Another challenge is self-employment taxes. As a gig worker, you're responsible for paying your own taxes. This can be confusing and overwhelming, especially if you're not used to dealing with taxes.

But fear not, my fellow teachers! There are plenty of gig work options out there that can work around your teaching schedule and provide some extra cash. Tutoring is a popular choice, as it allows you to use your teaching skills and expertise to help students outside of the classroom. Plus, you can set your own hours and rates.

Driving for Uber or Lyft can also be a good option, especially if you enjoy driving and meeting new people. Just be prepared for some interesting conversations with your passengers.

If you're more of a homebody, delivering food for DoorDash or Grubhub might be more your speed. You can work from the comfort of your own home and still make some extra cash.

But let's not forget about the more unconventional gig work options out there. Have a talent for writing or graphic design? Freelance work might be right up your alley. Are you a social media whiz? Consider offering your services as a consultant to small businesses.

The possibilities are endless, my friends. Just remember to choose your gig work carefully and don't end up like our dear friend Brianna Coppage. We don't want any teachers getting put on leave for performing on a pornography website.

In conclusion, gig work can be a great way for teachers to supplement their income and have a little extra cash to splurge on those overpriced lattes or avocado toast. Just be aware of the challenges and choose your gig work carefully. And whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by what Jesus would do. So maybe skip the pornography website gig.

Missouri high school teacher is put on leave after school officials discover her page on porn site | KTVO

Missouri high school teacher is put on leave after school officials discover her page on porn site - The Washington Post 

Missouri teacher on leave after OnlyFans account discovered 

Missouri teacher put on leave officials discover her OnlyFans page | Toronto Sun 



**Underpaid teachers doing gig work to supplement income**

In many parts of the United States, teachers are underpaid. The average salary for a public school teacher in the US is $65,090, but this varies widely by state and school district. In some states, the average teacher salary is as low as $40,000.

Many teachers struggle to make ends meet on their salaries alone. This is especially true for teachers who have families or who live in high-cost areas. As a result, many teachers turn to gig work to supplement their income.

Gig work is any type of work that is done on a temporary or freelance basis. It can include things like driving for Uber or Lyft, delivering food for DoorDash or Grubhub, or tutoring students online.

Gig work can be a flexible and convenient way for teachers to make extra money. However, it is also important to note that gig work can be unpredictable and unstable. Teachers who do gig work may have to work long hours, and they may not have the same benefits as full-time employees.

**Why do teachers do gig work?**

There are a number of reasons why teachers choose to do gig work. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • * To supplement their income
  • * To pay off student loans
  • * To save for retirement
  • * To have more flexibility in their schedules
  • * To pursue their passions

**What types of gig work do teachers do?**

Teachers do a variety of different types of gig work. Some of the most common types of gig work for teachers include:

  • * Tutoring
  • * Driving for Uber or Lyft
  • * Delivering food for DoorDash or Grubhub
  • * Writing and editing
  • * Freelance graphic design
  • * Social media marketing
  • * Consulting

  • **Challenges of gig work for teachers**
  • Gig work can be a great way for teachers to earn extra money, but there are also some challenges that teachers should be aware of. Some of the most common challenges of gig work for teachers include:

  • * Unpredictable hours
  • * Lack of benefits
  • * Self-employment taxes
  • * Competition

**How can teachers be successful at gig work?**

There are a number of things that teachers can do to be successful at gig work. Some of the most important things to keep in mind include:

  • * Choose a gig that is a good fit for your skills and interests
  • * Set realistic expectations for your earnings
  • * Be professional and reliable
  • * Market your services effectively
  • * Build relationships with clients


Gig work can be a great way for teachers to supplement their income and pursue their passions. However, it is important to be aware of the challenges of gig work and to take steps to be successful.

**What can be done to address the issue of underpaid teachers?**

There are a number of things that can be done to address the issue of underpaid teachers. Some of the most important things to do include:

  • * Increase teacher salaries
  • * Provide teachers with more support and resources
  • * Reduce the amount of paperwork and other bureaucratic tasks that teachers have to do
  • * Improve teacher working conditions
  • * Make the teaching profession more attractive to new recruits

By taking these steps, we can help to ensure that all teachers are able to live comfortably and focus on their job of educating our children.

**Teachers and moral turpitude laws or policies**

Moral turpitude is a legal term that refers to conduct that is considered to be dishonest, immoral, or unethical. Moral turpitude laws or policies are designed to protect the public from individuals who have engaged in such conduct.

In the context of education, moral turpitude laws or policies are often used to screen and dismiss teachers who have committed certain types of crimes or offenses. These crimes or offenses may include:

  • * Sex offenses
  • * Drug offenses
  • * Violent crimes
  • * Fraud
  • * Theft
  • * Other crimes that are considered to be morally reprehensible

The specific crimes or offenses that are considered to constitute moral turpitude vary from state to state. However, there is a general consensus that certain types of crimes, such as sex offenses and violent crimes, are always considered to be morally reprehensible.

**Rationale for moral turpitude laws or policies**

There are a number of reasons why moral turpitude laws or policies are used in education. One reason is to protect students from harm. Teachers who have committed certain types of crimes, such as sex offenses or violent crimes, may pose a risk to students.

Another reason for moral turpitude laws or policies is to maintain the public's trust in the education system. Teachers are entrusted with the education and care of children. When a teacher commits a crime of moral turpitude, it can damage the public's trust in the education system.

**Criticism of moral turpitude laws or policies**

There has been some criticism of moral turpitude laws or policies in education. Some critics argue that these laws or policies are too broad and that they can be used to dismiss teachers for relatively minor offenses.

Other critics argue that moral turpitude laws or policies can be discriminatory. For example, these laws or policies may be more likely to be used to dismiss teachers of color or teachers from low-income backgrounds.


Moral turpitude laws or policies can be a useful tool for protecting students and maintaining the public's trust in the education system. However, it is important to ensure that these laws or policies are applied fairly and consistently.

**Recommendations for teachers**

If you are a teacher, it is important to be aware of the moral turpitude laws or policies that are in place in your state. You should also be aware of the specific crimes or offenses that are considered to constitute moral turpitude in your state.

If you are accused of a crime or offense that could be considered moral turpitude, it is important to speak with an attorney immediately. An attorney can help you to understand your rights and to defend yourself against the charges.


You asked me to do a deep dive on underpaid teachers doing gig work to supplement income. Here is what I found:

  • - According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), nearly 1 in 5 American public school teachers work a second job outside of the classroom². This is higher than the average rate of multiple job holding for all workers, which was 5.1% in 2021¹.
  • - The main reason why teachers work a second job is to make ends meet. Teachers are underpaid in comparison to similarly educated professionals—by an estimated 24% in 2021 (adjusted for inflation)¹. The average teacher salary in the U.S. was $63,645 in 2020-21, but it varied widely by state, from $45,300 in Mississippi to $85,889 in New York³.
  • - Teachers also face rising costs of living, student debt, child care expenses, and health care premiums. Many teachers report that they struggle to pay for basic necessities, such as food, rent, and utilities². Some teachers even resort to crowdfunding platforms, such as DonorsChoose and GoFundMe, to raise money for classroom supplies and personal emergencies⁴.
  • - The types of second jobs that teachers work vary depending on their skills, interests, and availability. Some common side hustles for teachers include tutoring, coaching, babysitting, driving for Uber or Lyft, delivering food or groceries, selling crafts or products online, freelancing, blogging, podcasting, and more. Some teachers also work seasonal jobs during the summer break, such as camp counselors, lifeguards, or tour guides.
  • - Working a second job can have both positive and negative effects on teachers and their students. On the one hand, it can provide extra income, personal fulfillment, professional development, and networking opportunities for teachers. On the other hand, it can also increase stress, fatigue, burnout, and turnover among teachers². It can also reduce the time and energy that teachers have for planning lessons, grading assignments, collaborating with colleagues, and engaging with students and families².

Bing, 10/1/2023

  • (1) Our Nation’s Teachers Are Hustling to Survive | EdSurge News.
  • (2) Ways to reform teacher compensation, beyond a $60,000 ... - Brookings.
  • (3) We all know teachers are underpaid. But who imagined it was this bad?.
  • (4) 31 Side Hustles for Teachers: How to Make Extra Money.

Teachers and moral turpitude laws or policies. 
  • - Moral turpitude is a legal term that refers to conduct that is contrary to the accepted standards of morality, honesty, or justice. It is often used as a ground for revoking or suspending the professional licenses of certain occupations, such as teachers, lawyers, doctors, and nurses¹.
  • - The concept of moral turpitude is vague and subjective, and it varies from state to state. Some states have specific lists of crimes or offenses that constitute moral turpitude, while others leave it to the discretion of the courts or administrative agencies to determine on a case-by-case basis¹².
  • - Teachers are subject to moral turpitude laws or policies in almost every state. These laws or policies allow the state or local education authorities to discipline teachers for engaging in immoral conduct, either inside or outside of the classroom. The types of discipline may include reprimand, suspension, revocation, or denial of teaching certificates or licenses¹².
  • - The types of conduct that may be considered immoral for teachers include, but are not limited to: sexual misconduct, substance abuse, dishonesty, fraud, theft, violence, child abuse, neglect of duty, violation of professional ethics, or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude¹²³⁴.
  • - The application and enforcement of moral turpitude laws or policies for teachers may raise several legal and ethical issues, such as: the definition and scope of moral turpitude, the due process rights of teachers, the impact on academic freedom and diversity, the consistency and fairness of disciplinary decisions, and the balance between protecting the public interest and respecting the personal privacy of teachers¹²³⁵.
Bing, 10/1/2023
  • (1) Teachers' Rights: State and Local Laws - FindLaw.
  • (2) Educator Misconduct - Professional Standards and Practices Commission.
  • (3) Even when they aren’t fired for being pregnant or gay, teachers face ....
  • (4) Moral Turpitude Guidance – Nebraska Department of Education.
  • (5) Lawmakers struggle to define 'moral turpitude' - The Nevada Independent.
Moral turpitude laws are laws that prohibit certain types of activities that are considered immoral, dishonest, or corrupt by the society. The activities that are prohibited by moral turpitude laws vary from state to state and from country to country, but some common examples are:
  • - Crimes involving moral turpitude (CIMTs), such as murder, rape, fraud, forgery, robbery, arson, counterfeiting, and solicitation by prostitutes¹²³⁴⁵⁶.
  • - Controlled substance violations, such as trafficking, manufacturing, or possessing illegal drugs, except for simple possession of 30 grams or less of marijuana².
  • - False testimony under oath, such as lying to a court or an immigration officer for the purpose of obtaining any immigration benefit².
  • - Prostitution offenses, such as engaging in prostitution, attempting or procuring to import prostitution, or receiving proceeds from prostitution².
  • - Smuggling of a person, such as involving in smuggling of a person to enter or try to enter the United States in violation of law².
  • - Polygamy, such as practicing or being involved in polygamy (the custom of having more than one spouse at the same time)².
  • - Gambling offenses, such as committing two or more gambling offenses or deriving income principally from illegal gambling activities².
Moral turpitude laws may affect the eligibility of certain people for professional licenses, public office, immigration benefits, or naturalization. People who are convicted of or admit to committing any of the above activities may be barred from establishing good moral character, which is a requirement for many of these benefits. However, there may be some exceptions or waivers available depending on the nature and circumstances of the offense.
Bing, 10/1/2023
  • (1) Moral Turpitude - Definition, Examples, Cases - Legal Dictionary.
  • (2) Chapter 5 - Conditional Bars for Acts in Statutory Period | USCIS.
  • (3) Crimes of moral turpitude under Texas law - Texas Law Guide | Texas ....
  • (4) Moral turpitude Definition: 248 Samples | Law Insider.
  • (5) Moral Turpitude legal definition of Moral Turpitude.
  • (6) What is Moral Turpitude? (with pictures) - MyLawQuestions.