Thursday, September 14, 2023




Ah, educational equity. The elusive yet crucial goal of our education system. We all know that every student deserves a fair shot, but how do we make that a reality? Well, according to the Equity in Education Dashboard, we're not doing so hot. There are disparities based on race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and more. But fear not, my fellow educators! I have a solution that could, maybe, hopefully work.

First off, let's talk about professional development. We're spending over $20 billion annually on it, yet we're not measuring its impact? That's like going to the gym every day and not checking if you're actually getting stronger. It's time to hold our professional development accountable. We need metrics and evidence to ensure that our training is actually making a difference.

Now, I know what you're thinking. How do we measure the impact of professional development? Well, I have a brilliant idea. We'll call it the "Dancing Teacher Test." Here's how it works: after every professional development session, the teachers must perform a choreographed dance routine in front of their students. If the students are impressed and give a standing ovation, then the professional development was a success! If the students are confused and ask why their teacher is doing the Macarena, then it's back to the drawing board.

But wait, there's more! We can't just rely on professional development to solve all of our equity problems. We need to build better pipelines for recruiting teachers of color and create workplace cultures that encourage them to stay. And I have just the solution for that too: mandatory dance parties.

Every Friday afternoon, all teachers must gather in the staff lounge for a dance party. We'll play some upbeat music, break out the disco ball, and have some fun. This will create a positive and inclusive workplace culture that encourages teachers of color to stay and thrive.

Now, I know what you're thinking. How will this solve our equity problems? Well, hear me out. Dancing is a universal language. It brings people together regardless of their race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. By dancing together, we'll break down barriers and create a more inclusive environment for everyone.

So there you have it, folks. The Dancing Teacher Test and mandatory dance parties. It may sound silly, but sometimes the silliest ideas are the ones that work. Let's dance our way to educational equity!

Annual Reports and Information Staff (Annual Reports) - Equity in Education 

As US schools become more diverse, patchwork equity efforts fall short 

Professional development for teachers: These players dominate 

How Our Affiliates are Fighting for Education Equity