Tuesday, September 19, 2023



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Sunshine State, where the sun is hot, the beaches are sandy, and the science is...dead? That's right folks, Governor Ron DeSantis is killing science in Florida faster than you can say "climate change is a hoax."

In a recent op-ed in Scientific American, it was revealed that Florida's new laws are restricting discussions on race, gender, and sexuality in schools and universities. Because who needs diversity and inclusion when you can just stick your head in the sand and pretend everything is rainbows and unicorns, am I right?

But wait, it gets better. Not only are these laws encroaching on academic freedom, but they could also prevent future generations of scientists from conducting ethical research or refuting dangerous pseudoscience. Because nothing says "scientific progress" like ignoring social issues and diversity.

According to the op-ed, many science educators have begun teaching about how racism, colonialism, and sexism have been perpetuated by scientists. But apparently, that's just too much for Governor DeSantis and his cronies to handle. So instead of addressing these issues head-on, they're just going to sweep them under the rug and hope they go away. Brilliant strategy, guys.

But fear not, my fellow science enthusiasts. The op-ed suggests that STEM professionals can join and organize affinity spaces to build stronger support networks and activism pipelines. So let's all band together and fight the good fight against ignorance and bigotry.

And if you're feeling particularly adventurous, you can even track anti-DEI legislation being introduced throughout the United States using an online tool from the Chronicle of Higher Education. Because who doesn't love a good old-fashioned game of "spot the bigotry?"

In conclusion, while Governor DeSantis may be killing science in Florida, he can't kill our spirit. So let's keep fighting for diversity, inclusion, and scientific progress. And maybe one day, we'll even convince him that climate change is real. Hey, a girl can dream.

Florida's Attacks on Education Threaten Science - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/floridas-attacks-on-education-threaten-science/