Tuesday, August 15, 2023



The red state education revolt continues to rage on, with more states sticking their heads in the sands of ignorance and hate. It's like a game of whack-a-mole, but instead of moles, it's common sense and decency that keep popping up.

Conservative parents and lawmakers are leading the charge, fueled by their fear of critical race theory, gender identity, sexual orientation, and teachers' unions. They're like the Scooby-Doo gang, but instead of unmasking villains, they're trying to unmask the truth.

Critical race theory is their biggest boogeyman, even though it's not even taught in K-12 schools. It's like being afraid of ghosts when you don't even believe in them. But these parents and lawmakers are convinced that CRT is lurking in the shadows, waiting to brainwash their children into thinking that racism is bad.

Gender identity and sexual orientation are also on their hit list. They're convinced that schools are teaching their children about these topics in ways that they disagree with. It's like they think that learning about different perspectives will turn their children into gender-fluid unicorns who only listen to Lady Gaga.

School choice is their solution to everything. They think that parents should have the option to send their children to public, private, or charter schools. It's like they want to turn education into a reality TV show where parents get to vote off the bad teachers.

Curriculum is another thorn in their side. They're convinced that schools are teaching their children things that they disagree with, like evolution or climate change. It's like they want to live in a world where science is just a suggestion.

And don't even get them started on teachers' unions. They think they're liberal organizations that are brainwashing their children into being socialist hippies. It's like they think that teachers are secretly plotting to take over the world with their red pens and lesson plans.

But it's not just these issues that have them up in arms. They're also concerned about standardized testing, American history, and religion in schools. It's like they want to live in a world where everyone thinks the same way and believes the same things.

The conservative red state education initiatives are their attempt to put an end to all of this. They want to ban DEI programs and critical race theory in public colleges and universities. They want to eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion because they think it's divisive and anti-American. It's like they're trying to make America great again by making it less diverse.

Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Arizona are at the forefront of this movement. They're like the Avengers of ignorance, fighting against anything that challenges their narrow worldview.

But there's hope yet. Not all Republicans agree with these changes, and there's a growing movement of parents and educators who are fighting back against the conservative agenda. It's like a rebellion against the Empire, but instead of lightsabers, they have textbooks.

The future of education in red states is uncertain, but one thing is for sure: it's going to be a bumpy ride. It's like a rollercoaster that only goes down, but with more angry parents and politicians.

In the end, we can only hope that reason and common sense prevail. It's like trying to convince a Flat Earther that the world is round, but with more screaming and less logic.

So let's buckle up, folks. The red state education revolt is far from over. It's like a bad sequel that just won't die. But with enough laughter and ridicule, maybe we can make it go away for good.

New College group alleges a Florida law 'censors' courses | WUSF Public Media https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/education/2023-08-15/new-college-group-alleges-florida-law-censors-courses 

Arkansas Education Department won’t allow credit for AP African American Studies course https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/arkansas-education-department-wont-allow-credit-ap-african-american-st-rcna99791 

Idaho law hands parents more power in choosing school curriculums. It’s led to major changes | Idaho | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/14/idaho-parents-teachers-curriculum-selection 

Big Education Ape: MEATAXE MIKE MILES GETS EARFUL FROM OUTRAGED STUDENTS PARENTS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS #KidsNeedLibraries #EvenPrisonsHaveLibraries #TakeoversFail #HISD #HoustonISD @TexasAFT @AFTunion https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/08/meataxe-mike-miles-gets-earful-from.html 

Big Education Ape: GET YOUR DAILY DOSE OF BS EDUCATION AT PRAGERU https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/08/get-your-daily-dose-of-bs-education-at.html 

Big Education Ape: FOUNDING FATHERS WTF: A STATE SPONSORED CATHOLIC PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL? https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/08/founding-father-wtf-state-sponsored.html

Big Education Ape: CITIZENS OF ARKANSAS FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION AND STUDENTS (CAPES) SAYS NO TO MAGA LEARNS NOTHING ACT https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/08/citizens-of-arkansas-for-public.html 



The red state education revolt:

The red state education revolt is a movement by conservative parents and lawmakers to exert more control over the public school curriculum and teaching methods. The movement is fueled by concerns about critical race theory (CRT), gender identity and sexual orientation, school choice, curriculum, and teachers' unions.

  • **Critical race theory (CRT)** is an academic movement that examines the intersection of race, law, and society. It is often controversial because it challenges the dominant narrative of American history and culture. CRT is not taught in K-12 schools, but some conservative parents and lawmakers are concerned that it is being taught, or that it could be taught in the future.
  • **Gender identity and sexual orientation** are also controversial topics in red states. Some parents and lawmakers are concerned that schools are teaching their children about gender identity and sexual orientation in ways that they disagree with. Some states have passed laws that restrict how teachers can discuss these topics.
  • **School choice** is the idea that parents should have the option to send their children to public, private, or charter schools. It is a popular policy among Republicans, and many red states have expanded school choice options in recent years. School choice is often seen as a way to give parents more control over their children's education.
  • **Curriculum** is the content that is taught in schools. There is a growing debate in red states about the content of school textbooks and curriculum. Some parents and lawmakers are concerned that schools are teaching their children things that they disagree with, such as evolution or climate change.
  • **Teachers' unions** are organizations that represent teachers and negotiate on their behalf. They are often seen as liberal organizations, and they have been the target of criticism from some Republicans. Some red states have passed laws that make it more difficult for teachers to unionize.

The red state education revolt has led to a number of policy changes in recent years. Some states have banned the teaching of critical race theory, while others have restricted how teachers can discuss gender identity and sexual orientation. Many states have also expanded school choice options, and some have overridden decisions made by local school boards.

The red state education revolt is a complex issue with no easy answers. It is important to note that not all Republicans agree with the changes that have been made, and there is a growing movement of parents and educators who are fighting back against the conservative agenda.

The future of education in red states is uncertain. It is possible that the changes that have been made will be reversed, or that they will be further expanded. It is also possible that the education system in red states will become increasingly polarized, with parents and educators on opposite sides of the issue. Only time will tell what the ultimate outcome will be.

In addition to the issues mentioned above, the red state education revolt is also concerned with the following:

  • * **The use of standardized testing:** Some parents and lawmakers are concerned that standardized testing is too focused on memorization and does not adequately measure critical thinking skills.
  • * **The teaching of American history:** Some parents and lawmakers are concerned that schools are not teaching American history accurately, or that they are teaching a "revisionist" view of history.
  • * **The role of religion in schools:** Some parents and lawmakers want schools to be more accommodating to religious beliefs, while others want to keep religion out of schools altogether.

The red state education revolt is a significant development in American education. It is a reflection of the broader culture war that is taking place in the United States, and it is likely to have a lasting impact on the education system in red states.


Conservative red state education initiatives. I will try to provide you with some information and insights based on the web search results.

Conservative red state education initiatives are a set of policies and proposals that aim to limit or eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs and critical race theory (CRT) in public colleges and universities. These initiatives are motivated by the belief that DEI and CRT promote a divisive and anti-American worldview that undermines the values of freedom, merit, and patriotism. Some of the common features of these initiatives are:

  • - Banning or defunding DEI offices, staff, trainings, and activities that address issues of race, gender, sexuality, and identity.
  • - Prohibiting or restricting the use of DEI statements or commitments in hiring, promotion, tenure, or grant decisions.
  • - Eliminating or reducing majors, minors, courses, or research that focus on DEI topics or CRT perspectives.
  • - Requiring or encouraging patriotic education that emphasizes the positive aspects of American history and culture.
  • - Mandating or allowing academic freedom surveys or intellectual diversity reports that monitor the ideological balance and viewpoint diversity of faculty and students.

Five specific states: Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Arizona. I will briefly summarize some of the conservative red state education initiatives that have occurred or are being proposed in each of these states.

  • - Florida: Florida has a Republican-controlled state government that has advanced a bill that would prohibit public universities from funding DEI programs and requiring commitments to diversity in statements during hiring¹. The bill would also eliminate majors or minors that touch on critical race theory and “radical” feminist or gender theories¹. Governor Ron DeSantis has said that he wants to “expose the scams” of DEI and CRT and ensure that Florida students receive an education, not a political indoctrination¹.
  • - Texas: Texas also has a Republican-dominated state government that has enacted several conservative education reforms in recent years. Governor Greg Abbott issued a directive last month instructing public universities across the state to stop considering DEI statements in their hiring practices². The state legislature has also passed a bill that would ban the teaching of critical race theory in K-12 schools and require teachers to present multiple perspectives on controversial issues³. The bill would also limit the use of certain books and materials that address racism and oppression in American history³.
  • - Oklahoma: Oklahoma was one of the epicenters of the red state education revolt in 2018, when teachers staged a two-week walkout that shut down most public schools in the state. The teachers demanded more funding for education after years of budget cuts and teacher shortages. The walkout resulted in a $6,100 pay raise for teachers and a $50 million increase in school funding. However, the teachers said that these gains were not enough to meet their needs and expectations. In 2019, Oklahoma passed a law that expanded its charter school system to allow more rural districts to authorize charter schools. In 2020, Oklahoma voters rejected a ballot measure that would have increased funding for public schools by increasing the gross production tax on oil and gas companies.
  • - Arkansas: Arkansas has a Republican-led state government that has pursued various conservative education policies in recent years. In 2019, Arkansas passed a law that raised the minimum teacher salary by $4,000 over four years, from $31,800 to $36,000. The law also created a fund to help low-wealth districts pay for teacher salary increases. In 2020, Arkansas adopted new academic standards for computer science education that require all high school students to take at least one computer science course before graduation. Arkansas also launched a new initiative called Reading Initiative for Student Excellence (RISE), which aims to improve literacy skills among students from pre-kindergarten to grade 12.
  • - Arizona: Arizona was another focal point of the red state education revolt in 2018, when teachers held a six-day strike that closed most public schools in the state. The teachers demanded more funding for education after a decade of budget cuts and teacher shortages. The strike resulted in a 20 percent pay raise for teachers by 2020 and a $400 million increase in school funding. However, the teachers said that these gains were not enough to restore the funding levels that were lost since the Great Recession. In 2020, Arizona voters approved a ballot measure that imposed a 3.5 percent income tax surcharge on individuals earning more than $250,000 and couples earning more than $500,000. The revenue from the tax will be dedicated to education spending.

Bing, 8/15/2023

  • (1) Anti-DEI bills in these red states are targeting diversity in colleges. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2023/03/23/dei-diversity-in-colleges-targeted-by-conservative-red-states/11515522002/.
  • (2) The new Red Scare for red states: Diversity programs - POLITICO. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/19/gop-culture-war-college-dei-florida-texas-00087697.
  • (3) Red State Gov Signs Bill Banning Diversity Offices, Initiatives At .... https://www.conservativereview.com/red-state-gov-signs-bill-banning-diversity-offices-initiatives-at-higher-education-institutions-2661329420.html.