Thursday, August 31, 2023



In a shocking turn of events, Chabot Elementary School in Oakland, California, was evacuated on Tuesday after a bomb threat was received via email. But that's not the only thing that's explosive about this story. The threat contained a racial undertone, and the FBI is now assisting the police with an investigation. 

It seems that the MAGA movement has finally found its way to the schoolyard. This threat came amid a series of social media posts and hateful emails following a playdate for Black, brown, and Asian and Pacific Islander families held at the school. The emails contained racist remarks and threats to do harm to the group. 

Now, I don't want to jump to conclusions here, but it seems pretty clear that someone in the MAGA crowd is not happy about people of color getting together to have fun. Maybe they're just jealous that they don't have any friends to play with. Or maybe they're just upset that their own playdates consist of sitting alone in their basements, scrolling through Twitter and retweeting Donald Trump's latest conspiracy theories.

But let's not forget about the bomb scare. I mean, who sends a bomb threat to an elementary school? That's just messed up. It's like they're trying to prove that they're the biggest bullies on the playground. Well, newsflash, MAGA crowd, nobody likes a bully. 

The Oakland Unified School District has contacted the police and will host a community town hall next week. But I have a feeling that the MAGA crowd won't be showing up. They're probably too busy trying to figure out how to use spellcheck on their next hate-filled email. 

In all seriousness though, this is a scary situation. It's not just about a bomb threat or some hateful emails. It's about the fact that racism still exists in our society, and it's up to all of us to stand up against it. So let's show the MAGA crowd that they're not welcome in our communities. Let's show them that we won't back down in the face of hate. And let's show them that when we come together, we're stronger than any bomb threat they could ever send our way.

In conclusion, we want to remind everyone that hate has no place in our schools or our communities. And if you're one of those people who thinks it's okay to threaten violence against innocent children because of their race, then you can kindly see yourself out. And take your red hat with you.

Bomb threat, hate speech being investigated at Chabot Elementary

California elementary school evacuated over bomb threat after rightwing harassment 

Chabot Elementary School in Oakland shut down following bomb threat with "racial undertones" via @KPIXTV