Tuesday, July 18, 2023




Are we at a crisis point with the public teacher workforce? Well, if you ask the billionaires who have been waging a war on education, the answer is a resounding "yes." But don't worry, folks, I'm here to break it down for you in a way that's both witty and informative.

First of all, let's talk about these billionaires. They've spent billions demonizing public education, while cutting funding to schools and colleges through dark money super PACs and foundations. They even have front organizations supporting politicians who become warriors in the billionaires' war on public schools and teachers. It's like a twisted game of chess, but instead of knights and rooks, we have billionaires and teachers.

But why are these billionaires so hell-bent on destroying public education? Well, it's simple. They want to privatize everything. They want to turn education into a for-profit industry, where only the wealthy can afford to send their children to good schools. It's like they're trying to create a modern-day caste system, where the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But wait, isn't education supposed to be a public good? Isn't it supposed to be accessible to everyone?" Yes, my friend, you are correct. But these billionaires don't care about accessibility. They care about profits. And if that means sacrificing the education of millions of children, so be it.

So what does this mean for the public teacher workforce? Well, it means we're in trouble. Five decades ago, the U.S. was training an army of college students to become teachers, with 1 in every 5 bachelor's degrees earned in the field of education. But now, education is an afterthought for many college students. They'd rather study business, engineering, or even the visual and performing arts.

And who can blame them? Teaching has become a thankless job, with low pay and little respect from society. It's like we've forgotten that teachers are the backbone of our education system. They shape young minds and inspire the next generation of leaders. Without them, where would we be?

But fear not, my fellow citizens. We can fight back against these billionaires and their war on education. We can support our public schools and teachers by voting for politicians who prioritize education funding. We can volunteer at our local schools and donate supplies to classrooms in need. We can even become teachers ourselves!

Yes, you heard me right. We can become teachers ourselves. It's not too late to join the fight and make a difference in the lives of our children. Sure, the pay may not be great and the hours may be long, but the reward of shaping young minds is priceless.

In conclusion, we are indeed at a crisis point with the public teacher workforce. But we can't give up hope just yet. We must band together and fight for our education system. And who knows? Maybe one day we'll live in a world where billionaires invest in education instead of tearing it down. A girl can dream, right?

So there you have it, folks. The public teacher workforce may be in crisis, but it's not too late to turn things around. Let's make teaching great again. And if all else fails, we can always just clone Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World.

Education was once the No. 1 major for college students. Now it's an afterthought. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/education-majors-colleges-decline-teacher-pay/ via @cbsmoneywatch 

Are we at a crisis point with the public teacher workforce? Education scholars share their perspectives | Brookings https://www.brookings.edu/articles/are-we-at-a-crisis-point-with-the-public-teacher-workforce-education-scholars-share-their-perspectives/