Thursday, July 27, 2023



The Mad MAGA Monk of Oklahoma Education, Ryan "Rasputin" Walters, is at it again. This time, he's targeting Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) in another scrimmage in the never-ending war of libertarians: charter schools vs. MAGA vouchers.

But before we dive into the latest antics of the Mad MAGA Monk, let's take a look at the background of the TPS accreditation process.

In 2021, the Oklahoma State Board of Education voted to punish TPS for violating a state law that limits discussions on race and gender in public schools. The law, known as Senate Bill 616, prohibits teachers from discussing certain topics related to race and gender, including the concept that one race or sex is inherently superior to another, the teaching of critical race theory, and the teaching of the 1619 Project.

TPS was found to have violated the law by allowing teachers to discuss these topics in their classrooms. As a result, the State Board of Education downgraded TPS's accreditation status from "accredited with no deficiencies" to "accredited with a warning."

TPS Superintendent Deborah Gist has criticized the accreditation process as being "untransparent." She has argued that the State Board of Education did not give TPS a fair opportunity to defend itself against the allegations of violating Senate Bill 616.

Gist has also argued that the State Board of Education is motivated by political considerations, rather than by a genuine concern for the quality of education in Tulsa. She has pointed out that the State Board of Education is composed mostly of members appointed by Republican Governor Kevin Stitt, who is a vocal critic of critical race theory.

But enough about serious stuff, let's get back to the Mad MAGA Monk.

Ryan "Rasputin" Walters is a man on a mission. His goal? To turn every school in Oklahoma into a MAGA stronghold. And he's not afraid to use any means necessary to achieve his goal.

Walters believes that America is a great country that has been declining in recent years. He believes that former President Donald Trump is the only person who can restore America to its former greatness. And he's not afraid to use his position as an educator to spread his message.

Walters is a firm believer in free markets and limited government intervention in the economy. He's also generally opposed to taxes and regulations. But his real passion lies in social issues.

Walters is a traditionalist at heart. He believes in traditional values such as family, religion, and patriotism. He's also generally opposed to abortion and same-sex marriage. In fact, he once said that he'd rather see his daughter dead than married to another woman.

But Walters isn't just a social conservative. He's also a fierce opponent of critical race theory and the 1619 Project. He believes that these teachings are divisive and harmful to American society.

So what does all of this have to do with TPS?

Well, Walters sees TPS as a prime target in his quest to turn every school in Oklahoma into a MAGA stronghold. He believes that TPS is too liberal and too focused on social justice issues. And he's not afraid to use his position as an educator to push his agenda.

Walters has been pushing for the expansion of charter schools and MAGA vouchers in Oklahoma for years. He believes that these programs will give parents more choice and help to break the liberal stranglehold on education in the state.

But not everyone is on board with Walters' vision. Many educators and parents see him as a dangerous extremist who wants to turn Oklahoma into a right-wing dystopia.

So where do we go from here?

It's hard to say. The battle between libertarians and MAGA supporters is likely to continue for years to come. But one thing is for sure: Ryan "Rasputin" Walters isn't going anywhere.

Love him or hate him, Walters is a force to be reckoned with in Oklahoma education. And if you're not careful, he might just turn your school into a MAGA stronghold too.

Gist concerned TPS has been targeted by 'a process that is being politicized for a very specific personal agenda' 

Tulsa Public Schools' Superintendent Speaks Out After Concerns Raised Over District's Accreditation Score 

Editorial: Stitt's ire toward TPS reaches new level with state audit request