Wednesday, July 19, 2023




Breaking news, folks! In a shocking turn of events, it seems that President Donald Trump has decided he wants to be a king. Yes, you read that right. The man who famously said "I alone can fix it" has apparently decided that being the leader of the free world just isn't enough for him. He wants more power, more control, and more gold-plated everything. But what exactly are his plans to expand presidential power over the federal bureaucracy? And how are Democrats and Republicans reacting to this latest development?

First, let's take a look at Trump's proposed solution: the creation of a new White House office called the Office of American Innovation. This office will supposedly be tasked with streamlining and modernizing the federal government, but let's be real here - it's just a fancy way of saying "give me more power." Trump wants to be able to control every aspect of the government, from the top down. He wants to be the kingpin, the boss, the big cheese. And he's not afraid to say it.

So what specific powers does Trump plan to give himself over the federal bureaucracy? Well, that's a bit murky. The Office of American Innovation is still in its early stages, and details are scarce. But we can assume that Trump will want to have final say over every decision made by the federal government. He'll want to be able to fire anyone who disagrees with him, and he'll want to be able to appoint his own lackeys to key positions. Basically, he wants to turn the government into his own personal playground.

Of course, not everyone is thrilled about this latest power grab. Democrats are predictably up in arms, calling Trump a wannabe dictator and accusing him of undermining democracy. Republicans, on the other hand, are a bit more conflicted. Some are supportive of Trump's efforts to cut through bureaucracy and get things done, while others are wary of giving one person too much power.

And what are some potential consequences of expanding presidential power over the federal bureaucracy? Well, for starters, it could lead to a lot of chaos and confusion within the government. If Trump is able to fire anyone who disagrees with him, then who's going to be left to provide checks and balances? There's also the risk that Trump will use his newfound power to push through policies that are harmful or unpopular. After all, if he doesn't have to worry about pesky things like congressional approval or public opinion, then he can do whatever he wants.

But perhaps the biggest consequence of all is that expanding presidential power like this goes against everything that democracy stands for. As the Schoolhouse Rock song "No More Kings" reminds us, democracy is about sharing power and working together for the common good. It's about checks and balances, compromise, and respect for the rule of law. Giving one person too much power is a recipe for disaster - just look at history for proof.

So there you have it, folks. Donald Trump wants to be king, but at what cost? Will he be able to consolidate his power over the federal bureaucracy? And if he does, what kind of country will we be left with? Only time will tell. In the meantime, let's all sing a rousing chorus of "No More Kings" and remember that democracy is worth fighting for - even if it means standing up to a wannabe dictator with a bad hairdo.

Donald Trump’s Plan to Make the Presidency More Like a Kingship | The New Yorker 

Trump plan to expand president’s power would lead to ‘purely partisan’ government employees: former aide  | The Hill 

Trump Plans to Expand Presidential Power Over Agencies in 2025 - The New York Times 

His Imperial Highness, Supreme Serene Leader Donald Trump assumes His rightful throne 

Verse 1:

Donald J. Trump and his allies have a plan

To expand the power of the president's hand

If he's elected in 2025, they'll make a change

And concentrate authority like a king on the range


No more kings, no more kings

Power to the people, let democracy ring

No more kings, no more kings

We won't let one man control everything

Verse 2:

The executive branch will be reshaped anew

With Trump at the helm, what can we do?

He'll have more power than ever before

And we'll be left with a democracy no more


No more kings, no more kings

Power to the people, let democracy ring

No more kings, no more kings

We won't let one man control everything


We need to stand up and make our voices heard

Or else our democracy will be absurd

We can't let one person have all the power

Or else our country will start to sour


No more kings, no more kings

Power to the people, let democracy ring

No more kings, no more kings

We won't let one man control everything


So let's fight for our freedom and our rights

And make sure our democracy stays in sight

No more kings, no more kings

We'll keep democracy alive with all our might.