Wednesday, July 26, 2023



Breaking news, folks! The skeletons in the presidential family closet have come out to play, and boy are they rowdy! From Biden's kid to Trump's kids, these presidential offspring have caused more scandals than a Hollywood diva.

Let's start with the most recent scandal involving Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. He has been accused of using his father's influence to secure lucrative business deals in Ukraine and China, and has faced scrutiny over his personal life, including his substance abuse issues and his relationship with his brother's widow. But hey, at least he's not as bad as his dad, who falls asleep during Trump campaign speeches at CPAC meetings.

But wait, there's more! Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of former President Donald Trump, and his ex-wife Vanessa Trump have been involved in several scandals. From alleged affairs with pop singers to meeting with Russian lawyers to spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories on social media, these two have done it all. And let's not forget Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, who have faced accusations of conflicts of interest, corruption, and nepotism. Using private email accounts to conduct official White House business? Check. Pursuing financial interests in foreign countries while working in the White House? Check. Being granted top-secret security clearances despite objections from intelligence officials? Check.

But it's not just the Trump family that has a rowdy bunch. The Kennedy family has had their fair share of scandals, including the Chappaquiddick incident and the Profumo affair. The Johnson family was involved in the Bobby Baker scandal and the Billie Sol Estes scandal. The Nixon family had the Watergate scandal and the Milken scandal. And let's not forget the Clinton family, with the Whitewater controversy and the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Even presidential siblings have caused trouble for their brothers in the White House. Orvil Lynch Grant was accused of taking bribes and engaging in conflicts of interest as a director of a bank that collapsed and cost taxpayers millions of dollars. Roger Clinton was arrested for cocaine distribution and caused controversy by lobbying his brother for pardons for several convicted criminals. Neil Bush was sued by federal regulators for his role in the failure of a savings and loan association that cost taxpayers $1 billion. Malik Obama was a vocal supporter of Donald Trump and faced allegations of fraud and mismanagement of his charity foundation. And James Biden has been accused of using his family name to secure lucrative business deals in various sectors.

But let's not be too hard on these presidential children. After all, they didn't choose to be born into a political dynasty. And who knows, maybe they'll turn their scandals into a reality TV show or a bestselling memoir. At least they're keeping things interesting in the White House.

In conclusion, it seems like every presidential family has their own set of skeletons in the closet. From Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings to Donald Trump Jr.'s alleged affairs, these presidential offspring have caused more scandals than we can count. But hey, at least they're making politics entertaining, right? Who needs Netflix when you have the presidential family drama?


Scandals surrounding the son of President Joe Biden and his foreign business dealings, personal life, and legal troubles. Here is a brief overview of some of the main aspects of the story:

  • - **Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings**: Hunter Biden, who has a law degree from Yale University, has been involved in various business ventures in countries such as China, Ukraine, Romania, and Kazakhstan. He has faced accusations of using his father's influence and name to secure lucrative contracts and access to powerful figures while his father was vice president under Barack Obama⁴⁵. Some of his most controversial dealings include:
  •     - Serving on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, from 2014 to 2019, and receiving up to $50,000 per month for his role⁴⁶. He joined the board at a time when his father was leading the US policy on Ukraine and pushing for anti-corruption reforms in the country⁴⁶. Critics have alleged that Hunter Biden's position created a conflict of interest for his father and that he was hired to protect Burisma from prosecution⁶.
  •     - Forming a joint venture with CEFC China Energy, a Chinese conglomerate with ties to the Chinese Communist Party, in 2017, and receiving a 10% stake in the company⁴⁵. He also received a 2.8-carat diamond from the founder of CEFC, Ye Jianming, who was later detained by Chinese authorities on corruption charges⁴⁵. Critics have alleged that Hunter Biden's involvement with CEFC posed a national security risk for the US and that he was paid to influence his father's policy on China⁵.
  • - **Hunter Biden's personal life**: Hunter Biden has struggled with drug addiction and alcoholism for most of his adult life. He has been in and out of rehab several times and has admitted to using crack cocaine, methamphetamine, and other substances⁴⁵. He has also faced scrutiny over his romantic relationships and family issues. Some of his most notable personal challenges include:
  •     - Having an affair with Hallie Biden, the widow of his brother Beau Biden, who died of brain cancer in 2015⁴⁵. The affair began in 2016 and ended in 2019. It caused tension within the Biden family and raised ethical questions about Hunter Biden's role as the executor of Beau Biden's estate⁴⁵.
  •     - Fathering a child with Lunden Roberts, a former stripper from Arkansas, in 2018⁴⁵. He initially denied paternity but later agreed to pay child support after a DNA test confirmed he was the father⁴⁵. He is currently involved in a legal dispute with Roberts over the amount of child support and access to his financial records⁵.
  •     - Marrying Melissa Cohen, a South African filmmaker, in 2019 after knowing her for less than a week⁴⁵. They have a son named Beau, born in 2020⁴⁵. Cohen has been supportive of Hunter Biden's recovery and career⁴⁵.
  • - **Hunter Biden's legal troubles**: Hunter Biden has been under federal investigation since 2018 for possible tax violations and making a false statement relating to a gun he bought⁴⁵. The investigation has also examined his foreign business dealings and whether he violated any laws or regulations⁴⁵. He has not been charged with any crime but has acknowledged that he is under investigation⁴⁵. Some of his most significant legal issues include:
  •     - Failing to report $400,000 in income from Burisma on his 2014 tax return and owing more than $112,000 in taxes to the IRS⁴⁵. He has agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanour tax crimes and pay $500,000 in restitution as part of a plea deal with prosecutors².
  •     - Lying on a federal background check form when he purchased a handgun in 2018 by denying that he was an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance⁴⁵. He has agreed to plead guilty to one misdemeanour false statement charge and forfeit the gun as part of the plea deal with prosecutors².
  •     - Being accused by an IRS whistleblower of receiving preferential treatment from the Justice Department due to his political connections and influence[^2^. The whistleblower claims that senior officials at the DOJ intervened to delay or obstruct the investigation into Hunter Biden and prevent him from being indicted before the 2020 election[^2^. The whistleblower's attorneys have met with congressional investigators to share their allegations[^2^.

Scandals surrounding the Trump children and spouses.  Here is a brief overview of some of the main scandals that have been reported by various media outlets:

Donald Trump Jr. and Vanessa Trump: 

  • Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of Donald Trump, and his ex-wife Vanessa Trump, who divorced in 2018, have been involved in several scandals, such as:
  • Having an alleged affair with Aubrey O’Day, a former singer of the pop group Danity Kane, in 2011-2012, while Vanessa was pregnant with their third child12. The affair reportedly ended when Donald Trump Sr. told his son to "knock it off"2.
  • Meeting with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign, along with Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort1. The meeting was later investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller as part of his probe into Russian interference in the election1.
  • Spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories on social media about various topics, such as COVID-19, the 2020 election, Hunter Biden, and climate change1. His Twitter habits were reportedly a source of contention in his marriage with Vanessa1.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner: 

  • Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of Donald Trump, and her husband Jared Kushner, who both served as senior advisers to the former president, have also faced accusations of conflicts of interest, corruption, and nepotism, such as:
  • Using private email accounts to conduct official White House business, which raised security and transparency concerns3. Ivanka Trump claimed that she was unaware of the rules and that her emails did not contain classified information3.
  • Pursuing financial interests in foreign countries while working in the White House, such as securing trademarks from China and Saudi Arabia, and receiving loans from banks with ties to foreign governments3. Critics have alleged that they used their positions to enrich themselves and influence US policy3.
  • Being granted top-secret security clearances despite objections from intelligence officials and White House lawyers, who cited their foreign contacts, business interests, and lack of experience3. It was later reported that Donald Trump overruled the recommendations and personally ordered the clearances for his daughter and son-in-law3.

Eric Trump and Lara Trump: 

  • Eric Trump, the second son of Donald Trump, and his wife Lara Trump, who worked as a senior consultant for the former president’s campaign, have also been involved in some scandals, such as:
  • Being sued by New York attorney general Letitia James for allegedly inflating the value of their assets to secure loans and tax benefits as part of the Trump Organization4. Eric Trump initially refused to comply with a subpoena to testify in the case but later agreed to do so after a judge ordered him to cooperate4.
  • Being accused of animal cruelty for hunting endangered animals in Africa, such as elephants, leopards, and crocodiles4. Photos of them posing with their trophies sparked outrage from animal rights activists and celebrities4.
  • Being criticized for making insensitive or false statements on various issues, such as COVID-19, immigration, racism, and women’s rights4. For example, Lara Trump mocked Joe Biden’s stutter during the 2020 campaign and suggested that people should “arm up” and “get guns” to prepare for crime under his presidency4.

These are just some examples of the scandals that have surrounded the Trump children and spouses. There are many more that could be mentioned, such as Tiffany Trump’s involvement in a fraudulent diamond scheme5, Melania Trump’s plagiarism of Michelle Obama’s speech5, and Kimberly Guilfoyle’s sexual harassment allegations5. The Trump family has often denied or dismissed these scandals as fake news or witch hunts.

Bing, 7/26/2023

(1) Hunter Biden: The struggles and scandals of the US president's son - BBC. (2) The Hunter Biden scandal vortex keeps getting bigger - CNN. (3) Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory - Wikipedia. (4) Jonathan Turley: "Panic Setting In" For Democrats And Media About Hunter Biden Scandal. (5) Jill Biden escapes to France for UN event as Hunter appears in court. (6) Hunter Biden is a scandal machine. Democrats aren’t worried — yet..

Major presidential scandals since 1945, with a deeper dive into each one:

  • Watergate: The Watergate scandal was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s. The scandal stemmed from a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C., on June 17, 1972. The break-in was carried out by operatives working for the Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP), the re-election campaign of President Richard Nixon.Opens in a new window

The Watergate scandal eventually led to Nixon's resignation in 1974. Nixon was the first and only U.S. president to resign from office.

  • Iran-Contra Affair: The Iran-Contra affair was a political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1980s. The scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran by the Reagan administration in exchange for the release of American hostages held in Lebanon. The administration also used the proceeds from the arms sales to fund the Contras, a rebel group fighting against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.Opens in a new window

The Iran-Contra affair was a major political scandal that damaged the reputation of the Reagan administration. Several top Reagan administration officials were indicted in connection with the scandal, but none were convicted.

  • Whitewater Controversy: The Whitewater controversy was a political scandal that involved the Clintons, Bill and Hillary, and their real estate investments in the Whitewater Development Corporation. The Clintons were accused of financial impropriety in connection with the Whitewater project. The scandal dogged the Clintons throughout Bill Clinton's presidency, and it was a major factor in his impeachment in 1998.

The Whitewater controversy was never fully resolved, and the Clintons were never charged with any crimes. However, the scandal damaged the Clintons' reputation and led to a loss of public trust.

  • Monica Lewinsky scandal: The Monica Lewinsky scandal was a political sex scandal that involved President Bill Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The scandal began in 1995, when Lewinsky began an affair with Clinton. The affair came to light in 1998, and Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives for perjury and obstruction of justice. However, he was acquitted by the Senate.

The Monica Lewinsky scandal was a major political scandal that damaged the reputation of the Clintons and the presidency. It also led to a national conversation about sexual harassment and consent.

  • Trump-Russia investigation: The Trump-Russia investigation was a federal investigation into whether the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. The investigation was led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and it lasted for two years. Mueller's report did not find sufficient evidence to establish that the Trump campaign had conspired or coordinated with Russia. However, the investigation did find that Russia interfered in the election in a "sweeping and systematic fashion."

A few examples of presidential siblings who have caused trouble for their brothers in the White House:

These are just some of the presidential siblings who have been involved in scandals that have tarnished the reputation of their president relative. Bing, 7/26/2023

(1) The Biggest Scandals Involving Presidential Kids.

(2) The Biggest Scandals Involving Presidential Kids.

(3) US Presidents Who Had Scandalous Problem Children - Ranker.

(4) US Presidents Who Had Scandalous Problem Children - Ranker.

Other presidential sons and daughters have been involved in scandals that have tarnished the reputation of their president relative. However, there have been a number of high-profile cases in recent years.

  • Jenna and Barbara Bush: The daughters of President George W. Bush were cited for underage drinking while their father was in office. They were also involved in a number of other controversies, including a DUI arrest and a video that went viral of them smoking marijuana.
  • Chelsea Clinton: The daughter of President Bill Clinton was involved in a number of scandals, including allegations of nepotism and profiting from her father's presidency. She was also criticized for her close ties to Marc Mezvinsky, who was also accused of profiting from his father-in-law's presidency.