Wednesday, June 28, 2023



If you thought the future of public education in America was all doom and gloom, think again! There's a movement afoot by billionaires to privatize public education and turn it into a profit center for capitalism. And if that doesn't make you laugh, we don't know what will!

But seriously, folks, there are pros and cons to this whole privatization thing. On the one hand, it could lead to more competition and innovation in education. On the other hand, it could mean the end of public education as we know it. So let's take a closer look.

First off, let's talk about the billionaires. These guys are all about making money, and they see education as a ripe opportunity to do just that. They're pouring millions into charter schools, which are privately run but publicly funded. And they're pushing for vouchers, which would allow parents to use public funds to send their kids to private schools.

Now, some people think this is a great idea. They say it will give parents more choice and force public schools to up their game. But others worry that it will lead to a two-tiered education system, where only the rich can afford a decent education.

And then there's technology. Some folks think that online schools and other tech-based alternatives will revolutionize education. They say it will make learning more accessible and personalized. But others worry that it will lead to even more screen time for kids and less face-to-face interaction.

So what's the verdict? Honestly, we don't know. But we do know that there are plenty of alternatives to public education out there already. You've got your charter schools, your magnet schools, your military academies, your boarding schools, your private schools, and your tutoring services. And let's not forget homeschooling!

Of course, each of these alternatives has its own pros and cons. Charter schools may offer more freedom and flexibility, but they also have less oversight. Private schools may offer better resources and smaller class sizes, but they also come with a hefty price tag.

And then there's homeschooling. We won't lie, folks, this one can be a bit of a wild card. On the one hand, you get to be your kid's teacher and customize their education to their needs and interests. On the other hand, you have to be your kid's teacher and customize their education to their needs and interests.

So what's the bottom line? Well, we're not here to tell you what to do with your kids' education. But we do think it's important to remember that public education is a cornerstone of our democracy. It's where kids from all walks of life come together to learn and grow. And while it may not be perfect, we think it's worth fighting for.

So whether you're a billionaire looking to make a buck or a parent looking for the best education for your child, remember this: education is not a commodity. It's a right. And it's up to all of us to make sure that right is protected and upheld for generations to come.

In conclusion, the future of public education in America is uncertain, but one thing is clear: we need to continue to invest in our public schools. While alternatives like charter schools, vouchers, and technology may provide some benefits, they are not a panacea for the challenges facing our education system. We need to work together to ensure that all children have access to a high-quality education, regardless of their background or zip code. 

I say please don't let the billionaires turn our public schools to The Hunger Games with their charter schools and voucher schemes. 

The Destruction Of Education And Democracy In The US - MintPress News.

The Republican Plan To Devastate Public Education in America.

Public education is facing a crisis of epic proportions.

History and Evolution of Public Education in the US.

The War on Public Schools - The Atlantic.

There are many opinions on the state of public education in America. Some believe that public education is being commodified into another profit center¹. Others believe that American public education is in poor shape today because of cultural and social trends, most beginning in the 1960s, which destroyed classroom discipline, the moral basis for education, and a national consensus on what students should learn². Some believe that cutting public education spending by more than half would destroy public schools for millions of students³. 

What Parents Need to Know About School Vouchers - U.S. News & World Report.

What Do We Know About Vouchers and Charter Schools? - RAND Corporation.

The current landscape of school choice in the United States.

Vouchers May Be The Next Big Education Reform. Have Charter Schools ....