Tuesday, June 13, 2023



Right wing front groups like Moms for Liberty are like a mercenary army? Well, that's news to me! I mean, sure, they're organized, armed, and motivated by a political agenda, but are they really like a group of hired guns? Let's take a closer look.

First of all, let's define what we mean by "right wing front groups". According to NPR, these are groups that promote extremist views such as white supremacy, anti-immigration, anti-federalism, pro-gun-ownership, and survivalism. Wow, sounds like a fun bunch! They also envision or seek to advance a civil war or a violent overthrow of the government. Yikes! And they engage in street violence, especially against left-wing protesters or activists. Double yikes!

So where does Moms for Liberty fit into all of this? Well, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Moms for Liberty is an extremist group that engages in anti-student inclusion activities. They were founded by conservative women in Florida who opposed COVID-19 safety measures in schools. Since then, the group has expanded its presence across the country and has campaigned to ban books, limit discussion about race and LGBTQ+ identities, and populate local school boards with conservatives. So basically, they're like a bunch of overprotective moms who want to shield their kids from anything that doesn't fit into their narrow worldview. How charming!

But are they really like a mercenary army? I mean, sure, they're willing to use force, intimidation, and propaganda to achieve their goals, regardless of the law or the will of the majority. And they're not exactly loyal to the country or its constitution, but only to their own ideology or interests. But do they really have the skills and training to be a group of hired guns? I'm not so sure.

So how do we stop these right wing extremists? According to experts and organizations, we need to strengthen law enforcement and intelligence capabilities to detect, disrupt, and prosecute right wing extremists who plan or carry out violent acts. We also need to counter radicalization and recruitment efforts by right wing extremists, especially online and on social media platforms. And we need to support exit programs and rehabilitation initiatives for individuals who want to leave right wing extremist groups or ideologies. In other words, we need to take this threat seriously and work together to combat it.

But let's not forget to have some fun along the way! After all, laughter is the best medicine. So why not organize a comedy night fundraiser to support organizations that are working to counter right wing extremism? Or how about a satirical sketch show that pokes fun at the absurdity of these extremist groups? We can use humor as a weapon against hate and intolerance.

In conclusion, right wing front groups like Moms for Liberty may not be exactly like a mercenary army, but they are still a serious threat to our democracy and our way of life. We need to take action to stop them, but we can also have some laughs along the way. So let's get creative and use humor as a tool for change!

Moms for Liberty rises as power player in GOP politics after attacking schools over gender, race | AP News https://apnews.com/article/moms-for-liberty-2024-election-republican-candidates-f46500e0e17761a7e6a3c02b61a3d229

Moms for Liberty rises as power player in GOP politics after attacking schools over gender, race | PBS NewsHour https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/moms-for-liberty-rises-as-power-player-in-gop-politics-after-attacking-schools-over-gender-race 

Big Education Ape: RYAN WALTERS + MOMS FOR LIBERTY: MY MOMMIES CAN BEAT UP YOUR MOMMIES https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/06/ryan-walters-moms-for-liberty-my.html 

Big Education Ape: RIGHT WING FRONT GROUP MOMS FOR LIBERTY NAMED AN EXTREMIST IN NEW SPLC REPORT https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/06/right-wing-front-group-moms-for-liberty.html

Big Education Ape: SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER: 2022 THE YEAR IN HATE AND EXTREMISM COMES TO YOUR SCHOOL https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/06/southern-poverty-law-center-2022-year.html 

Big Education Ape: NEWS FROM THE MOMS FOR LIBERTY OUTHOUSE - SH*TTER'S FULL https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/06/news-from-moms-for-liberty-outhouse.html 

Big Education Ape: THE GREAT MOMMY WAR: THE BATTLE BETWEEN MOMS FOR LIBERTY AND THE OTHER MOTHERS https://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/05/the-great-mommy-war-battle-between-moms.html