Wednesday, June 14, 2023





Are you ready to learn about the world of education rights? Buckle up, because we're about to explore the wild world of MAGA parents' rights versus student rights. And let me tell you, it's a real doozy.

First up, we have the right-wing front groups. These include Moms for Liberty, Nation Parents Union, and a whole bunch of dark money groups. These groups are all about fighting against things like mask mandates, vaccines, and critical race theory. Because who needs science and social justice when you've got good old-fashioned ignorance?

And let's not forget about the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the Koch brothers, Betsy DeVos, the Mercers, and all those MAGA billionaires. They're all in on the action, funding and influencing these attacks on education. Because who needs a well-educated populace when you've got a bunch of brainwashed minions?

But it's not just the right-wing groups that are causing a ruckus. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are pandering to parents' rights, signing bills left and right to appease their constituents. Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently signed four parental rights bills, proclaiming that "our schools are for education, not indoctrination." Because who needs critical thinking when you've got blind obedience?

But what exactly do parents' rights mean legally for schools? Well, it's a bit murky. Education Week reports that at least 30 states have laws that explicitly recognize parents' rights in education, but the extent of those rights varies widely. So basically, parents can argue for just about anything and it might hold up in court. Because who needs consistency when you've got chaos?

Liberals are trying to reclaim parents' rights from conservatives in education, but it's an uphill battle. They're up against a well-funded and well-organized machine that's determined to keep their kids ignorant and compliant. But hey, at least they're trying. Because who needs apathy when you've got hope?

So what can we do to make sure students' rights are protected in education? Well, for starters, we can listen to the experts. Harvard Graduate School of Education reminds us that "public education is a public good" and that "parental rights should not be used as a political tool." We can also support educators who are working tirelessly to provide students with a well-rounded education that includes critical thinking and social justice.

In conclusion, the battle between parents' rights and student rights in education is a complicated mess. But one thing is clear: we need to prioritize the needs of students over the desires of parents who are more concerned with their own agendas than with the well-being of their kids. Because who needs selfishness when you've got empathy?

Liberals groups like 'Stop Moms for Liberty' seek to redefine 'parents' rights' - The Washington Post 

James Meredith: Time for an American Child's Bill of Rights via @dianeravitch 

Big Education Ape: Gov. DeSantis Should Veto Florida’s Tragically Flawed So-Called ‘Parents’ Bill of Rights’ | by Bruce Lesley | Voices4Kids | Apr, 2021 | Medium 

Big Education Ape: Educators say parental rights bill could harm trust with students | The Texas Tribune