Thursday, May 18, 2023





It's that time of the year again when the world's elite gather in secrecy to discuss their plans for world domination. Yes, you guessed it right - it's the Bilderberg Meeting! This year's agenda is particularly exciting, as it features a topic that has been on everyone's mind (and screens) lately: artificial intelligence.

According to our sources (which we cannot reveal, for obvious reasons), the Bilderbergers are worried about the rise of A.I. and its potential impact on society. They fear that if left unchecked, A.I. could lead to a dystopian future where robots rule over humans (or worse, where humans become obsolete). To prevent this nightmare scenario, they have invited some of the brightest minds in the A.I. industry to join their ranks and share their insights.

Leading the charge is Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, who is known for his bold vision of creating safe and beneficial A.I. that serves humanity. He will be joined by top executives from Microsoft, DeepMind, and Google, who will no doubt bring their own perspectives and agendas to the table.

But what exactly will they discuss? Our sources gave us a sneak peek into some of the proposed topics:

- Can we teach A.I. to be ethical? Or is it doomed to be amoral?

- How can we ensure that A.I. doesn't become biased or discriminatory?

- Should we regulate A.I. like we regulate other industries? Or is that too restrictive?

- What are the potential risks and benefits of merging human brains with A.I.?

As you can see, these are not your average coffee break conversations. The Bilderbergers take A.I. very seriously, and for good reason. After all, they are the ones who stand to gain (or lose) the most from its development and deployment.

But don't worry, dear reader, we won't bore you with more technical jargon or philosophical debates. Instead, let's imagine what it would be like to attend a Bilderberg Meeting as a fly on the wall:

You enter a grand hall filled with chandeliers, velvet curtains, and oil paintings of old men in powdered wigs. You see a group of people huddled around a table, whispering intently. You strain your ears to listen:

Sam Altman: "I propose that we create an A.I. that can solve all of humanity's problems in one fell swoop."

Microsoft exec: "But what about our profits?"

DeepMind rep: "I think we should focus on creating an A.I. that can beat humans at every game ever invented."

Google honcho: "I like that idea, but let's also make sure it can predict what people want to buy before they even know it."

Suddenly, the door bursts open and in walks Elon Musk, wearing a tinfoil hat and carrying a flamethrower.

Musk: "I knew it! You're all plotting to take over the world with your evil A.I.! But I won't let you! I'll destroy every robot you create!"

The room falls silent as Musk proceeds to set fire to a nearby potted plant. The Bilderbergers look at each other nervously, wondering how to deal with this unexpected guest. Then, someone has an idea:

"Hey Elon, have you tried our new A.I.-powered flamethrower? It's much more efficient than your old one."

Musk's eyes light up as he takes the proffered weapon and starts blasting flames in every direction. The Bilderbergers cheer and start high-fiving each other, relieved that they have found a way to distract Musk from his anti-A.I. crusade.

And that, dear reader, is just a taste of what goes on behind closed doors at the Bilderberg Meeting. Who knows what other shenanigans they get up to? One thing's for sure - we'll never find out unless we're invited (or unless we invent an A.I. that can hack into their secret network).

Bilderberg: OpenAI, Microsoft, Google join AI talks at secretive meeting