Saturday, April 2, 2022

THIS WEEK Education Research Report

 Education Research Report

Education Research Report

Math anxiety predicts the avoidance of effortful study strategies
Previous research suggests that math anxiety, or feelings of apprehension about math, leads individuals to engage in math avoidance behaviors that negatively impact their future math performance. However, much of the research on this topic explores global avoidance behaviors in situations where math can be avoided entirely rather than more localized avoidance behaviors that occur within a mathema

MAR 31

Rising parental expectations linked to perfectionism in college students
Rising parental expectations and criticism are linked to an increase in perfectionism among college students, which can have damaging mental health consequences, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. Researchers analyzed data from more than 20,000 American, Canadian and British college students. They found that young people’s perceptions of their parents’
Enrichment program in preschool = reduced levels of psychopathology symptoms moving from middle to secondary school
Objective: Living in poverty increases exposure to adversities that undermine healthy development, impeding growth in the social-emotional and language skills that support adaptive coping and promote mental health. Evidence-based programs have the potential to improve current preschool practice and strengthen these early skills, potentially reducing risk for later psychopathology. The authors of
Pandemic School Closures and Parents' Labor Supply
Hours worked declined for parents without college degrees but not for those with them, and childcare duties fell more heavily on mothers. Two new studies show that school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic significantly reduced parents' labor market activity. They reach different conclusions about which demographic groups were most affected, one concluding that it was parents without colleg

MAR 29

Naptime may bolster early literacy skills among preschoolers
The ability to map letters to sounds is considered an important indicator of early literacy skills. Previous research shows that letter sound mappings in kindergarten is strongly associated with later reading success and some children later diagnosed as dyslexic may show poor letter-sound knowledge in the preschool years. However, there is little known research about the relationship between slee
School Experiences with COVID-19: February 2022
NCES releases the latest round of findings from the School Pulse Panel (SPP). These SPP data examine learning modes, quarantine prevalence, and COVID-19 mitigation strategies within schools. Findings include: Ninety-nine percent of public schools offered in-person learning. Ninety-five percent of public schools returned from winter break with no delays to learning. Seventy-two percent of public s

MAR 28

Study: To help Black students feel safer, schools must embrace their cultural identity
To create a safer learning environment for Black students, schools should turn to culturally relevant and Afrocentric policies and practices that better incorporate their identity in the school culture, according to a new University at Buffalo-led study. The research, published earlier this year in School Psychology International , suggested that practices such as allowing Black students and thei
Evidence on the Effective Design of Free Tuition Programs
Proposed "free college" policies vary widely in design. The simplest approach sets tuition to zero for everyone. More targeted approaches limit free tuition to those who successfully demonstrate need through an application process. This study experimentally tests the effects of these two models on the schooling decisions of low-income students. An unconditional free tuition offer from a large pub

MAR 26

What Kids Are Reading: 2022 Edition,
This report is the world's largest annual study of K–12 student reading habits. This free report provides a wealth of helpful information, including: The top print and digital titles at every grade level Lists of new & noteworthy titles and popular Spanish books Titles that support social-emotional learning Author essays and insights And much more

MAR 24

Arts activities reduce antisocial behavior among teenagers
Teenagers who take part in arts and cultural activities, such as dance, drama, reading and going to concerts, are less likely to engage in antisocial behaviour up to two years later. Teenagers who take part in arts and cultural activities, such as dance, drama, reading and going to concerts, are less likely to engage in antisocial and criminalised behaviour up to two years later, according to a n

MAR 23

Empathy softens teachers' biases, reduces racial gap in student suspensions
Large-scale intervention is found to combat inequities in school discipline Interventions that seek to evoke empathy in teachers can sideline biases and narrow the racial gap in suspensions of middle school students, suggests new research from the University of California, Berkeley. In one of the most rigorous efforts to date to combat race-based inequity in school suspensions, UC Berkeley social

MAR 22

Standardizing Applicant High School and Neighborhood Information Helps to Diversify Selective Colleges
Many selective colleges consider the backgrounds of applicants to improve equity in admissions. However, this information is usually not available for all applicants. This study examines whether the chances of admission and enrollment changed after 43 colleges gained access to a new tool that standardizes information on educational disadvantage for all applicants. Applicants from the most challen
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
NCES has added data from the 2019 administration of the (TIMSS) to the International Data Explorer (IDE). The IDE is an online, interactive tool that allows users to explore international study data and create customized tables, charts, maps, and analyses. TIMSS is an international comparative study that measures trends in fourth- and eighth-grade mathematics and science achievement every 4 year
National poll: More than 1 in 4 parents say their adolescent has seen a mental health specialist
Just 4 in 10 parents say their child’s provider asks about mental health concerns at all check-ups and nearly half who seek mental health services for their adolescent describe difficulties getting care. IMAGE: ALMOST ALL PARENTS FELT SOMEWHAT OR VERY CONFIDENT THEY WOULD RECOGNIZE A POSSIBLE MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE IN THEIR ADOLESCENT. view more CREDIT: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HEALTH C.S. MOTT CHILDR

Education Research Report