Saturday, November 20, 2021

THIS WEEK Education Research Report

 Education Research Report

Education Research Report

Revenues and Expenditures for Public School Districts in 2018-19
The national median of total revenues per pupil and expenditures per pupil increased across all public school districts between budget years 2018 and 2019. A new report from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) provides information about revenues and expenditures in the nation’s public school districts for school year 2018-19. The report uses provisional data from the School Distri
Positive reviews of two postsecondary career and technical education interventions
The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) recently reviewed the research on two postsecondary career and technical education interventions— Year Up and Project QUEST — and its impacts on high school students. Both interventions support students in completing occupational training programs and obtaining employment in relevant fields. The results are summarized in two intervention reports released today ,

NOV 17

Availability and use of K-12 science curriculum
Full report with links to other reports in 2011 a Framework for K-12 Science Education (the Framework) was published, leading to the development of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and multiple state standards that use the Framework as their foundation. As of 2021, 20 states have adopted the NGSS and 24 use standards informed by the Framework. Public opinion of the NGSS is high. A rec

NOV 16

Does Enhanced College Advising Impact Where and How Long Students Attend College
Decisions about whether and where to go to college can influence later success. However, many students from low-income families “undermatch”—they do not enroll at all or not in the most selective college they likely could attend. This report examined whether promising advising strategies, bundled in a package called Find the Fit , could improve college choices and persistence. The study focused o
Public School Use of Educational Technology Before the Pandemic
New school-level data describe how schools are using education technology in the education process. They include information about perceptions of the quality of available technology, supports for teachers to use technology, and availability of technology to students in and out of school. The National Center for Education Statistics released a new report, Use of Educational Technology for Instruct

NOV 15

Evidence dyslexia affects children’s visual processing beyond just reading
Children with dyslexia are slower to process visual information, according to new research that sheds new light on which brain processes are affected by dyslexia beyond just reading ability. The study, published in JNeurosci and the first to combine new methods to understand visual processing and brain activity in dyslexia, challenged a group of children aged six to 14 to identify the average dir

Education Research Report