Monday, May 24, 2021


 NewBlackMan (in Exile)

NewBlackMan (in Exile) TODAY


Tiny Desk Meets AFROPUNK: Luedji Luna
"'I feel that we are living in a crazy moment in a crazy time and music has been a safe place for me — the only safe place for me,' Luedji Luna says in a low, alluring voice as she explains the purpose of her latest album, Bom Mesmo É Estar Debaixo D'Água . The album, much like the Brazilian singer-songwriters's Tiny Desk performance, is a respite from these times. Elements of jazz and blues are


A Baltimore Youth Program Mixes A Passion For Dirt Bikes With Science
'B-360, a nonprofit, uses dirt bikes to teach elementary and high school students math and science. "Fixing and repairing a bike is mechanical engineering," says Brittany Young , an engineering sciences educator who founded the program. "Most people don't realize when dirt bike riders pop a wheelie, it's actually like a physics equation".'
Left of Black S11 · E28 | The Sound of Afro South Asian Collaborations in Black Music with Elliott Powell
When you think of hip-hop or R&B, how often do you hear the strings of a sitar being strummed in the background? In this episode of Left of Black , host and Duke University Professor Mark Anthony Neal discusses the influence of South Asian collaborations in contemporary Black music with Elliott Powell , the Beverly and Richard Fink Professor in Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota. His new
Life, Love, Loss. NC Jazz Artist Nnenna Freelon Unpacks Her Story in ‘Time Traveler'
"Jazz vocalist Nnenna Freelon ’s new album is bittersweet — a time capsule filled with 40 years of love, laughter and tears shared with her late husband, architect Phil Freelon . Penned as a “sonic love letter,” Time Traveler fuses old classics, 1970s Soul hits and original works. It’s the first release in 11 years for Freelon, a multi-Grammy-nominated singer who lives in Durham, NC." -- The News

MAY 22

MAY 21

The Music Show with Andrew Ford: Marvin Gaye's Masterpiece at 50 with Guest Mark Anthony Neal
'Marvin Gaye’s album What’s Going On turned 50 this week; it was an instant commercial success in 1971, helping to summarise the hopes and despairs of Black Americans against a backdrop of the Vietnam War and ongoing fight for racial equality. But could the album be even more relevant today? Rolling Stone thinks so (it jumped from #6 to #1 on their 500 Greatest Albums of All Time list when revise
Remaining Tulsa Massacre Survivors Demand Justice
'The three known survivors of the Tulsa Massacre, Viola Ford Fletcher , Hughes Van Ellis , and Lessie Benningfield Randle who were all children in 1921, offered their firsthand accounts of the race massacre at a congressional hearing in Washington.'

MAY 19

Actor John Boyega On 'Star Wars', 'Small Axe' And Telling 'Stories Of The Untold'
' John Boyega has been outspoken about systemic racism in Hollywood. He has talked about how his character in Star Wars was sidelined, along with the other characters played by actors of color. Boyega won a Golden Globe for his performance in the anthology series Small Axe , as a Black British police officer who joined the force in the 1980s to try to change the system.'
Why Is Everyone Talking About Newsletters?
'In the last ten years, it seems like newsletters have replaced blogs as the platform du jour. And Substack helps writers profit off their own work. But the platform's success isn't without controversy. The main criticism being who they allow on the platform. 1A digs into newsletters and what they mean for our media landscape.'
How the Mainstream Media Abandoned the Working Class
'As the sometimes breathless coverage of the union vote in Bessemer, Alabama showed, labor stories are having a moment — in part due to the work of digital outlets since the Occupy movement, as well as increased attention on essential workers more broadly during the pandemic. But this surge in coverage is happening amid half a century of neglect of the labor beat, according to Christopher R. Mart
Jennifer Redfearn's 'Apart'
'The documentary, Apart , follows three mothers who prepare to return to their families after being incarcerated. Director Jennifer Redfearn joins All Of It to discuss the film.'

MAY 18

How Barbers are Looking out for Their Clients' Mental Health
'Black men are crying out. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death for young Black Americans; and our young men are at particular risk. Stigmas, health care access, and social pressures to appear hyper-masculine stop a lot of Black men from getting help. But a grassroots program known as The Confess Project is trying to break this pattern. Trymaine Lee talks to the founder of The Confess Pr
Invisible Blackness – Interview with Roy Choi
' Roy Choi is the son of Korean immigrants and a hip hop aficionado. His culinary food truck empire built a bridge between race and socio economic class by normalizing eating in the streets of LA. In this episode Roy and host Adrian Younge discuss the power of food justice as a path to social equality and the meaningful dance between food and identity.'
'Love Letter To Black Boys': Memoir Explores Masculinity Against Appalachian Backdrop
' Brian Broome began writing a memoir of his life when he was at the absolute bottom — in rehab for drug addiction in his 40s. "That's where it kind of officially started, and then when I got out of rehab, it just went from there," he tells Morning Edition . His book, Punch Me Up to the Gods , begins with his father beating a 10-year-old Broome with his fists. The blows by his father, and even hi

MAY 17

The Pioneering Legacy Of The International Sweethearts of Rhythm
' The International Sweethearts of Rhythm reached the height of their acclaim in the 1940s as the nation's first racially integrated all-women's jazz band. They toured the country and the world even as they faced discrimination on the basis of both race and gender. All Things Considered 's Michel Martin speaks to Cathy Hughes about the International Sweethearts of Rhythm, of which her mother was
Brand New Heavies at Brooklyn's Pioneer Works
' Racquel Chevremont and Mickalene Thomas , who are collectively known as Deux Femmes Noires, join All Of It to discuss their second curatorial project together titled, Brand New Heavies . The exhibition is on view at Brooklyn's Pioneer Works through June 20 and features monumental, site-specific installations by three artists: Abigail DeVille , Xaviera Simmons , and Rosa-Johan Uddoh .'
One Hundred, The Ed Gordon Podcast: Director, Actor Bill Duke
' Ed Gordon talks with trailblazing actor, director, Bill Duke . Duke talks about his scene-stealing roles in movies including American Gigolo and Predator to directing movies ( Hoodlum , Sister Act2 ) and television shows ( Miami Vice and Dallas ). Duke also talks about the hardships people of color encounter in Hollywood.'
#BlackVanLife Movement Highlights Issues Exacerbated By Pandemic
'There’s a romance inherent in the idea of paring down one’s earthly possessions and hitting the road, with only one’s imagination (and one’s vehicle) to limit them. The nomadic lifestyle is attracting a cross-section of Americans, including young Black people disillusioned with an inaccessible housing market and the grind it takes to stay in it. Tested host Rebecca Martinez speaks with Durham ar

MAY 16

How Tax Laws Disadvantage Black Americans but Subsidize White Americans
'Tax returns are calculated based on income, but a new book highlights how the tax code disproportionately impacts people of color. Dorothy Brown , professor at Emory University School of Law and author of “The Whiteness of Wealth: How the Tax System Impoverishes Black Americans and How We Can Fix It” joins PBS NewsHour Hari Sreenivasan to discuss.'

MAY 15

'Theft At A Scale That Is Unprecedented': Behind The Underfunding Of HBCUs
'Tennessee could owe a historically Black university more than a half-billion dollars after it withheld funding for decades. A bipartisan legislative committee determined last month that the state failed to adequately fund Tennessee State University in matched land grants going all the way back to the 1950s, costing the public university between $150 million and $544 million. Andre Perry , a seni
Orisanmi Burton: What Really Happened During the Attica Prison Rebellion
'On September 9th 1971, a spontaneous uprising began in a New York State prison. A group of prisoners overpowered guards, broke windows, started fires, and captured supplies, sparking the Attica Rebellion. Soon, over 1,200 prisoners had assembled with 42 hostages to demand better treatment and better living conditions. Orisanmi Burto n details the revolt and deadly retaking of Attica prison.' --
“Fire in Little Africa,” a Rap Album About a Historical Tragedy
'The Tulsa massacre of 1921 was perhaps the single worst act of racial violence in the terrible history of Jim Crow. But, for generations, few people—even in Tulsa—knew about it. Now the rap community of Tulsa is coming together to change that, with the new record Fire in Little Africa .'

 NewBlackMan (in Exile)