Monday, May 3, 2021


 NewBlackMan (in Exile)

NewBlackMan (in Exile) TODAY


W. Kamau Bell Is A 'Wall-Tearer-Downer' In 'United Shades Of America'
'Since 2016, comedian W. Kamau Bell has been traveling the country for his TV show United Shades of America . He asks serious questions, but always with a bit of humor thrown in. " United Shades of America is just Sesame Street for grown-ups," he tells All Things Considered 's Michel Martin . The goal of the show is to explore the unique challenges of communities around the United States.'
John Legend: "Bring your own unique gifts to the table to engage in the real, tangible bettering of your community."
“We see [zero-sum thinking] in efforts to hoard economic opportunity, too. Today, the 26 wealthiest people on the planet own as much as the 3.5 billion poorest. And powerful people are spending lots of money lobbying to keep it that way," said Singer-Songwriter John Legend who addressed Duke University's Class of 2021 on Sunday, May 2, 2021. “And, of course, we see it in our policing and carceral
Black Intimacy in R&B and Hip-Hop with Robert Patterson, Antonia Randolph, and Elliott Powell
"The session of PMBiP involves a conversation between Antonia Randolph and Robert J. Patterson about the representations of Black intimate life in R&B and hip-hop music during the Post-Civil Rights Era, with Elliott H. Powell serving as interlocutor. Patterson talks about his recent book Destructive Desires: Rhythm and Blues Culture and the Politics of Racial Equality (Rutgers University Press, 2
The New Conversation with Dr. Dwight A. McBride | Ep. 3 Jonathan Holloway
" Jonathan Holloway , a U.S. historian, took office as the 21st president of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, on July 1, 2020. He also serves as a University Professor and Distinguished Professor. In this series, Dr. Dwight A. McBride , President of The New School, converses with scholars,

NewBlackMan (in Exile)