Saturday, May 22, 2021

Dana Milbank: The War Over Civics Education | Diane Ravitch's blog

Dana Milbank: The War Over Civics Education | Diane Ravitch's blog
Dana Milbank: The War Over Civics Education

Dana Milbank believes that Republicans are terrified of restoring civics education for fear that the younger generation will learn how our government is supposed to work.

He wrote in the Washington Post:

Pretty much everything the Trump-occupied Republican Party has been doing these days violates the basic tenets of democracy that American schoolchildren are taught.

But the Trumpy right has come up with an elegant remedy to relieve the cognitive dissonance: They want to cancel civics education. If the voters don’t know how the government is supposed to function, they’ll be none the wiser when it malfunctions — which has been pretty much all the time.

First, Republican officials indulged President Donald Trump’s four years of sabotaging the rule of law and CONTINUE READING: Dana Milbank: The War Over Civics Education | Diane Ravitch's blog