Monday, April 19, 2021

Teacher Tom: We Can't Teach Grit

Teacher Tom: We Can't Teach Grit
We Can't Teach Grit

Few things have put more wear and tear on my teeth than the concept of "teaching" character traits like "grit," "resilience," "optimism," "conscientiousness," and "self-control." It's not that those things aren't important. Indeed, they are vital not just for academic achievement, but for any kind of real, lasting success, be it in school, work, or just being a member of a family or community. No, what sets my teeth grinding is the self-satisfied way in which so-called education reformers, the ones with a product or agenda to sell, insist that they have figured out how to "teach" these things, even going so far as to produce pre-packaged curricula they claim will do this.

It's classic snake oil, based upon the faith-based notion that CONTINUE READING: 
Teacher Tom: We Can't Teach Grit