Friday, April 2, 2021

Teacher Tom: The Hallmark of a Master Player

Teacher Tom: The Hallmark of a Master Player
The Hallmark of a Master Player

The girls were playing a game that involved being in the playhouse with periodic forays to the top of the concrete slide. 

"I'm sick!"

"No, I'm sick too!"

"Me too."

They were huddled together, five of them. They had been playing together for the better part of an hour.

"You can't be sick!"

"Yes, I can be sick!"

"I'm sick!"

"We're all sick!"

"Everybody can't be sick!"

There was a lot of bickering as they played. It hadn't started as a game of sickness, but from the moment they had declared the lilac leaves to be medicine, someone had been sick. It seemed that someone else had to remain healthy to CONTINUE READING: Teacher Tom: The Hallmark of a Master Player