Tuesday, April 6, 2021

2021 Medley #5 – Vouchers, Testing, and Reading | Live Long and Prosper

2021 Medley #5 – Vouchers, Testing, and Reading | Live Long and Prosper
2021 Medley #5 – Vouchers, Testing, and Reading

Vouchers, Testing, and Reading


Scholars show how to challenge voucher discrimination

How many ways can we say it? School choice is not about parents choosing the school for their child. It’s about schools choosing which students to allow through their doors. Private schools get to choose their clients.

The law may state that private and religious schools must not discriminate in order to receive state funds, but the actual real-world actions of schools accepting vouchers shows that private schools can, and often do reject certain students based on various characteristics such as religion or sexual preference (or the sexual preference of their parents). Under other circumstances, this discrimination wouldn’t be a problem. Religious schools should be allowed to require their teachers and students to follow certain theological teachings. However, it becomes a problem when public funds are used to further such discrimination.

The simple fact is that private schools, and religious schools in particular should not be allowed to use public funds because they are not required to accept all CONTINUE READING: 2021 Medley #5 – Vouchers, Testing, and Reading | Live Long and Prosper