Thursday, March 25, 2021

Darcie Cimarusti: K12 Inc. and Charter Lobby Pushes for $$$ in Iowa | Diane Ravitch's blog

Darcie Cimarusti: K12 Inc. and Charter Lobby Pushes for $$$ in Iowa | Diane Ravitch's blog
Darcie Cimarusti: K12 Inc. and Charter Lobby Pushes for $$$ in Iowa

Darcie Cimarusti, communications director for the Network for Public Education, reports on the assault on public school funding in Iowa. K12 Inc., the for-profit virtual charter chain, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, is noted for high attrition rates, low graduation rates, low test scores, and high profits. Its top executives are each paid millions of dollars.

In multiple states across the country omnibus schools choice bills with sweeping charter and voucher provisions have been introduced. NPE Action has been following these bills here. Just such a bill was introduced in Iowa, SSB 1065 which would modify the state’s existing charter CONTINUE READING: Darcie Cimarusti: K12 Inc. and Charter Lobby Pushes for $$$ in Iowa | Diane Ravitch's blog