Wednesday, March 3, 2021

#COVIDTestingNotStandardizedTesting: Schools Need #VaccinationsNotExaminations – I AM AN EDUCATOR

#COVIDTestingNot StandardizedTesting: Schools Need #VaccinationsNotExaminations – I AM AN EDUCATOR
#COVIDTestingNotStandardizedTesting: Schools Need #VaccinationsNotExaminations

An earlier version of this article was published by The Progressive
by Jesse Hagopian

Last year, the United States learned a great lesson from its public schools: The onslaught of federally mandated standardized tests could be canceled, and it would not trigger the collapse of society. 

In fact, during the early months of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the absence of the spring testing season provided a welcome relief to students and families coping with extreme stress. 

But that was then. 

Now, we are gearing up for another spring testing season, and on Monday, February 22, the Biden Administration decreed that standardized tests outlined in the federal Every Student Succeeds Act shall be required. No ifs, ands, or looking at your neighbor’s answers. 

Keep in mind: Betsy DeVos, one of the worst people to serve as Secretary of Education ever, managed to cancel the punitive and educationally destructive spring testing requirements. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration is marching forward with a standardized testing regime that happens to be the centerpiece of corporate education reform.

In a letter to state schools chiefs and governors, the Biden Administration did CONTINUE READING: #COVIDTestingNot StandardizedTesting: Schools Need #VaccinationsNotExaminations – I AM AN EDUCATOR