Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Whole Truth about Kids, Schools, and Covid-19 (Derek Thompson) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

The Whole Truth about Kids, Schools, and Covid-19 (Derek Thompson) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
The Whole Truth about Kids, Schools, and Covid-19 (Derek Thompson)

The following article comes from The Atlantic, January 2021. “Derek Thompson is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where he writes about economics, technology, and the media. He is the author of Hit Makers and the host of the podcast Crazy/Genius.”

Those school boards and superintendents who continue to keep schools closed in light of this evidence have the duty of explaining to their patrons why district schools have not re-opened. Perhaps the rates of infection among adults in the geographical area are very high and they are waiting for rates to come down. Or maybe there are insufficient funds to prepare buildings to meet Center for Disease Control guidelines. Or there are too many teachers refusing to enter schools because of underlying medical condition. Or there is a lack of phase-in plans for younger children and then older ones attending.

Whatever the reasons are, district policymakers need to explain clearly and coherently why their schools have not re-opened in light of the preponderance of evidence for opening classrooms to in-person instruction. That is task number one.

Federal health officials at the CDC this week called for children to return to American classrooms as soon as possible. In an essay in the Journal of the CONTINUE READING; The Whole Truth about Kids, Schools, and Covid-19 (Derek Thompson) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice